If we talk about online messaging, WhatsApp is at the top of all: Despite its competition with Telegram, and the controversies about the new privacy policies; his audience is so solid that nothing can take the top spot from him. That is why it is common to keep all our conversations in this way: Whether personal or work.
How to Read and Reply or Reply to a WhatsApp Message From the Lock Screen
Likewise, some users have chosen to create different accounts in the application, to be able to attend to all their affairs and not have the inbox full of messages. However, and if this is not something profitable for you, this platform has been in charge of creating actions that improve the response ; speed up your time; and allow you to organize yourself better, responding only to those who interest you. But how? Here we tell you!
Index( )
- What are the quick response options in the WhatsApp App?
- How to read and reply to a WhatsApp message from the lock screen?
- On Android 7, 8 and 9
- On Android 10 and 11
What are the quick response options in the WhatsApp App?
They are part of the configuration and administration of the application, which make it possible to read or reply to messages without having to access the site. They can be used in sync with other tools such as the Google assistant, the accessibility alternatives included in the mobile, or the App’s own tools:
- You do not need to leave the Apps, or leave any activity to answer.
- Do not appear “online to read and reply to messages” while using these gestures; so it is a very discreet variablewhen you do not have time to answer all the chats that you have started.
- It can be accessed in many ways: From the status bar, floating windows to use the application while doing another activity on the cell phone; and even if the screen is suspended.
Just as you read! No matter your cell phone screen is locked, you will have the opportunity to easily read and reply to a message. This will avoid the annoying steps to unlock the phone, placing the pin, pattern or password: Simply and from the inactivity of your Smartphone , you will have the alternative to communicate with whoever you choose.
How to read and reply to a WhatsApp message from the lock screen?
When we receive a text with the phone suspended, there will probably be a sound, a colorful LED notification , and you may even have the screen turned on that shows you a window with the message; in all cases you will be able to read the content, just by sliding the notification down. Even so, this opportunity will ask you to unlock the cell phone, if you want to use the quick response of answering the message.
Pop-ups create more opportunities as they allow viewing and responding from the locked cell phone. In order to use them you have to activate them, so you will have to take a few steps if you want to use them.
- On Android 7, 8 and 9
If your smartphone has one of these versions of Android, the configuration is really simple and is done through the App itself. Go to WhatsApp> Menu> Settings> Notifications> Pop-up notification> Only when the screen is off. Thus, when your mobile is locked, these windows will be displayed, and as long as it remains on there will be no changes in the way you receive notifications.
- On Android 10 and 11
In these cases, the previous option has been eliminated, due to the new Android configurations; that, despite the fact that it continues to show the content on the lock screen, it does not accept pop-up windows … How is it solved? Unfortunately, there are currently no independent applications that can manage the lock screen, since the system has this action blocked.
For this reason, applications such as Floatify, Notific or Notifly only manage notifications after the screen has been turned on. Despite this and thanks to the technology of current phones such as the Galaxy Note9 to perform facial unlocking that does not require performing complicated actions, but only raise it so that it can see your face.
It will be enough for you to activate this option by entering the settings of your mobile; Thus, every time you have a notification that you want to respond to: You pick up the cell phone; you drag the WhatsApp chat window to show you the quick options; and you answer from the text box that appears. So, you will be answering without being visible to other contacts.