How to quickly collect items in PUBG

Each PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds player has come across the fact that it seems that he landed no later than the others, and the building for loot is no worse than the others … But while you look at the cast-iron pan on the floor, a type in full third level armor and a backpack is already breaking in to you stuffed with various belongings. How did he do it in such a short time? Consider all the secrets of quickly collecting things in this article.

How to quickly collect things?

Loot items in the game are carried out with the right mouse button, dragging with the left or the F button. It is important to know how to do it quickly, since there will always be a shortage of time, and the enemy can jump out at any second. In order not to look for items separately on the floor, it is worth moving with the inventory already open on the Tab. The most convenient way to train this skill is by tapping with a second mouse click and dragging. We press on the barrel, so as not to pull the cursor too far, and drag the cartridges into the inventory column. It is best to start with the topmost items so that you don’t have to change the mouse path as the list will go up. But there is one caveat – if there is only one item you need on the floor, then it will be easier to use the F key instead of opening the inventory again. So, you will get used to lifting single objects during the sprint.

How to take more things away?

Первым делом разберемся с вместительностью инвентаря и тем, как унести с собой больше вещей. Основной предмет, которым пользуются для лута — рюкзаки разных уровней. Рюкзак первого уровня — это 170 единиц, второй уровень дает 220 единиц, а третий вмещает 250 единиц. Обычно игроки подбирают топовые рюкзаки, чтобы поместились все вещи. Но есть еще два предмета, которые помогут расширить инвентарь. После покупки игры пользователи по умолчанию получают специальный пояс с несколькими отделениями. Большинство предпочитают переодевать своих персонажей и снимают пояс, в то время как он увеличивает вместительность инвентаря на 20 единиц. Еще одна полезная вещь — бронежилет. Помимо защиты корпуса, он обеспечивает вам 50 дополнительных единиц места, независимо от его уровня. Также имеет значение вес предмета. Одна аптечка идентична пяти бинтам, а дымовая граната весит на шесть единиц больше, чем маленькая аптечка или обойма зеленых патронов.

Inventory order

So, you have enough space, but now it is worth remembering what order in the inventory is. The most accessible should always be first aid kits, bandages, painkillers, boosters, energy drinks – these things will be the first on the list so that in an emergency you do not have to frantically scroll through the list. This is followed by sights, body kits, grenades. The last will be the cartridges.


Sometimes it’s worth collecting things by hand

What to look for?

After the start, you must immediately look for armor, as well as a good backpack. Tier 2 armor, even up to 90% damaged, is better than an intact police vest. As for helmets, a full tier 1 helmet won’t save you from headshots, while a battered tier 2 helmet will somehow protect your head. If you find a helmet of the second level with third strength, then take it instead of the impenetrable protection of the second level. Before the heat starts, you must have time to get a weapon, collect at least three first-aid kits, at least ten bandages, as well as several pain relievers and energy drinks. There are also nuances with cartridges. The 5.56 mm caliber takes up less space than the 7.62 mm. For a sniper rifle, you should take no more than 100 cartridges – the rest is simply not useful to you.

Where to look?

The speed of collecting things depends on its availability in the searched area. There are places in the game that are generous in loot and not so much. The most abundant places on Erangel are such places as Yasnaya Polyana, Rozhok and Georgopol (especially its southern part) in the north, Pochinki south of Rozhk and the southernmost Sosnovka. On Miramar, players are actively looking for things in the buildings of large points of El Pozo in the west and Los Leones to the south, and a smaller one – eastern El Hazar, San Martin west and south of it – Pekado. On a small map of Sanhok, you can also highlight areas where more loot will spawn. This is the hotel and Ha Ting to the north, the military camp in the center of the map, and Pai Nan and Kampong to the south. On the snow-covered map of Vikendi, everyone strives to get to such “rich” places as the lakeside Goroka, Podvosto on the river bank, the cosmodrome in the north, the castle on the island and the conditionally secret cave.


by Abdullah Sam
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