How to put your taskbar down in Windows?

In the taskbar you can locate the shortcuts to all the applications you want. Just by dragging it you can place them, likewise, you have the options of placing the taskbar anywhere on the screen, either above, on the sides or below.

It is important to unlock the bar to do so, even if you have made the taskbar transparent in Windows you can also move it, since customizations do not affect the function of placing at the ends.

How to put your taskbar down in WINDOWS? – Configure it your way

Index( )

  1. What should you check before putting your taskbar down in Windows?
    1. Check that the ‘locked taskbar’ option is disabled
    2. What versions of Windows allow moving the taskbar?
  2. How to put the Windows taskbar horizontally?
    1. If you have Windows 10
    2. In case you have Windows 7 or earlier versions


What should you check before putting your taskbar down in Windows?

There are several factors to take into account when moving the bar to the bottom, the most important is that it is not in error , otherwise you will have to reset it in order to place it below.

Likewise, when putting the transparent bar in Windows it is possible that it becomes slow or freezes according to the capabilities of your PC, in the same way, if everything goes well, all you have to do is:

Check that the ‘locked taskbar’ option is disabled

If the bar is locked, it will be impossible to move it from its position. To verify that it is not, observe that it does not have the corresponding check, for this, just click on it with the right click and observe that it does not have any symbol next to it.

A tip that you can use is to lock and unlock, in this way you will learn how it works . It is also important to know that if the taskbar is showing errors you will not be able to access the Windows task manager , so you will have to do it using other means.

What versions of Windows allow moving the taskbar?

All versions of Windows allow you to move the taskbar from its position to whatever the user wants, even for old Windows like 98 or XP, the only thing that changes is the way to unlock, or enable the movement of the taskbar. chores.


How to put the Windows taskbar horizontally?

To have the taskbar in a horizontal position, it is only necessary to place it at the bottom or top, according to your preferences, the most used and easiest method so far is the following:

If you have Windows 10

In Windows 10 the option is shown as ‘ Lock taskbar ‘, of course, there are several versions, but don’t worry, since the method is the same for all of them. Learn how to do it as follows:

  1. Right-click on the taskbar in Windows 10 to bring up the options menu.
  2. Click on Lock taskbar in order to remove the Check, if the Check is not shown in the options, this step is not necessary.
  3. Click the left mouse button on any available bar space and hold it down.
  4. Drag the mouse along with the selected taskbar to the bottom of the screen.
  5. Release the click you have held down and you’re done.

It is important to know that you have the option to lock the taskbar in Windows 10 , once you have moved it, in order to avoid accidentally moving it while it is active on your computer.

In case you have Windows 7 or earlier versions

It is the same procedure in Windows 7, since the taskbar is unlocked in the same way as version 10. Even in previous versions you can always unlock the bar from its options. So in Windows 7 all you have to do is the following:

  1. Use the right click on the taskbar of Windows 7 or earlier versions to display the options menu.
  2. Click on Lock taskbar in order to remove the Check, if the Check is not shown in the options, this step is not necessary.
  3. Click the left mouse button on any available bar space and hold it down.
  4. Drag the mouse along with the selected taskbar to the bottom of the screen.
  5. Release the click you have held down and you’re done.

In the same way, if there is some kind of problem when putting your taskbar down in Windows , you can go to the Microsoft technical support page, and thus find a solution to the possible errors displayed during this process.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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