How to put a fixed IP address for PlayStation 5?

The PlayStation 5 video game console has arrived with great force to stay. A large number of users want it or already use it, but having it is not the only important thing, but also knowing how to configure the IP address. The following will show how you can put a fixed IP address for PlayStation 5.

How to Put a Fixed IP Address for PlayStation 5? – Static IP

Index( )

  1. What are the steps to configure a static IP?
  2. How should a network be set up for PS5?
  3. Why should PS5 ports be opened?
  4. What is the function of NAT on PS5?
    1. Open the NAT
    2. Which is better
  5. How to improve the connection for the PS5?
    1. Wireless connection
    2. Ethernet cable

What are the steps to configure a static IP?

To get started, go to ‘Settings’ from the main panel, then ‘Network’ and then ‘View connection status’. Being there you can  see what the IP address is   and you will have to set the ‘IP address configuration’ to automatic . The IP address displayed will have a final number that will vary depending on the number of devices connected to the network.

To be able to assign a fixed final value, you must choose a number that is not reserved so that it does not coincide. To do so, go to the previous menu and select ‘Configure internet connection’, click on the current network and go to ‘Advanced settings’. Then you have to click on ‘IP address settings’ and select ‘Manual’ .

Once this is done, it will simply be necessary to write the IP address and assign a final value that is high so that it does not coincide with other connected devices. Then you have to configure the ‘Subnet mask or gateway’ and leave the values ​​as they were. Then the DNS values ​​should be the same as Google’s. Once this is done, click on ‘Accept and that’s it’.

How should a network be set up for PS5?

To start, you must connect the console using a LAN cable. Then you have to go to ‘Settings’, then to ‘Network’ and again to ‘Settings’. Once that is done, you must click on ‘Configure internet connection’ and ‘Configure wired LAN’, done that will be ready.

Why should PS5 ports be opened?

Basically, it is recommended to have the ports of a PlayStation 5 open because this way you can greatly improve its performance in terms of connection . By opening these ports, the connection will be direct to the internet without depending on a router.

What is the function of NAT on PS5?

Basically, NAT is the connection mechanisms between two network points . NAT stands for Network Address Translations. Thanks to this connection, it is possible to maintain a stable internet connection in online games, and thus improve the gaming experience.

Open the NAT

First you have to go to ‘Settings’, then ‘View connection status’. From there you will see a section that says ‘Type of NAT’ and a number that can range from 1 to 3.

Which is better

Among the three values ​​that can be found in a PlayStation 5 NAT, the best and most recommended is number 1 . The reason for this is that this type of connection allows you to be directly connected to the internet and thanks to this the online gaming experience will improve a lot in terms of connection and fluidity.

How to improve the connection for the PS5?

When it comes to gaming experience, the PlayStation 5 really has a great advantage. However, there are some tricks that can be applied to improve the internet connection in online games and thus improve the experience. Here’s what to do with a wireless connection and with an Ethernet cable.

Wireless connection

In the case of wireless connections, it is best to use Wi-Fi repeaters. Since low internet signal strength is sometimes causing some connection issues, a repeater can be used to increase the range from the original Wi-Fi signal to the console.

Ethernet cable

Something that can be useful in the case of using an Ethernet cable is to change the configuration of the DNS servers . This can be done from the connection settings, and for this you will simply have to configure the servers so that they are the same as those of Google.

The truth is that the great PlayStation platform is highly recommended, especially if you learn to configure it well. That is why this connection setup tutorial is highly recommended.