How to protect yourself from phishing and cheating in Warface

Here’s why you should think about the security of your game account and personal funds

Today, the risk of being scammed and deceived on the Internet is greater than ever before, and it is possible to become a victim of phishing even in a popular game. In this Warface article, we will tell you everything you need to know in order to protect your account from potential intruders.

Selling game accounts, characters and items

IN rules of the game Warface clearly indicate that users are prohibited from selling and buying accounts or game characters. Such rules are introduced for a reason, but in order to protect players from fraud. Buying a profile on the black market is a dangerous risk that we strongly advise you to avoid.

Why you shouldn’t buy / sell an account:

  • the buyer / seller may turn out to be an ordinary fraud: in the case of transferring funds for access, you may end up on his blacklist or not receive any response;
  • the buyer / seller may provide you with invalid data. Well, if you have any questions, you will be left with a fake mail in your hands;
  • even if the access to the account turns out to be correct, there is no guarantee that the content of the account will be exactly what the seller claimed;
  • at any time, the current account owner can contact the technical support of the game with a request to freeze, block this profile or regain access to himself based on the “fact of hacking.”

Where are the guarantees that when you buy an account you will not receive it in return?

Also, we must not forget about the risks associated with the unofficial sale of different PIN codes for in-game items:

  • as in the case of an account, when buying or selling pin codes, you may be left with nothing: either the buyer will not pay the money, or the seller will not send the desired code, or this very code may be a random set of letters;
  • the resulting pin code may be invalid or its content may not match the seller’s claims.

It takes five minutes to create such an image, where the contents of the pin code are supposedly visible. All you need is photoshop or any pin-code, and there, through the element code, change the desired

By the way, pin codes can be bought legally and safely on the Lootdog service or at the Igromarket . Both of these services work with the publisher of the game, so you can be calm here.

Do not forget that all these PIN codes are originally taken from the gambling market and are sold by a variety of people. Therefore, the prices of items will jump from suspiciously cheap to unreasonably expensive.

The pin codes themselves do not appear out of nowhere: they are created exclusively by the administration of the game for one purpose or another. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand that there are no methods or generator programs for creating pin codes or in-game values ​​(for example, credits). Also, many in-game items cannot be obtained at the moment, even through pin-codes: for example, old elite helmets or class helmets, previously referred to by users as “antiheads”.

An old elite stormtrooper helmet, and forever, and for that amount? 100% cheating

There are no publicly available pin code generators: you will definitely download a virus or other malicious program if you decide to tempt fate and download a supposedly real generator.

Ordinary fraud

Sometimes there are situations when an unknown user sends a message about your winning a competition or any other important event. In return, he asks for your personal data, allegedly for crediting a prize or checking an account: scammers are usually interested in passwords, credit card number, its PIN code, CVV or CVC2 code. Real game administrators will not ask you for a password or access to your account.

Therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to the user who writes this to you. Even if you definitely participated in some kind of competition, you should check if this person is in the contact list of the group.

In fact, this is how most of the scammers start.


Phishing is a separate type of deception, the essence of which boils down to the fact that the user, due to inattention or ignorance, gives his data to a fraudster. Most often in Warface, this happens as follows: spam appears in the game chat, in which the player is promised mountains of gold on a certain site for nothing. If he believes in deception, follows the link and enters his account details in order to receive the promised prizes, he will lose access to his profile.

It is not so difficult to distinguish official promotions from unofficial ones: in the vast majority of cases, the official resources for the game will have news about an event. The main thing is to remember the addresses of real sites, because many phishing resources are disguised by domains as official ones or take on a similar appearance. For example, it is important to remember that the main official resources for Warface are and (for a foreign audience). If the addresses of other sites on the game do not include the exact name of these domains and at the same time require authorization, then with a high probability you are dealing with a phishing site.

An example of a phishing site: the second-level name is not mail, but warface-mail. Hyphen here – to distract attention

Cheating and boosting

There is practically no game in which cheaters do not exist in one form or another. Moreover, they often use prohibited methods or software for personal gain. For example, with the help of cheats, they help other players achieve certain in-game goals for money – this process is called “boosting”. For such actions, most often the account is permanently blocked without the right to appeal, and users who decide to resort to the services of a cheater are fined or also blocked. The Warface administration, by the way, recently shared the latest results of the fight against the creators of cheats and those who use this software, and the results cannot but rejoice.

For some, a 10-year ban in ranked matches is already a sentence

So, what does the user need to know in order not to be left out in the cold? Do not buy or sell accounts, pin codes or other in-game items in unconfirmed services: the risk of being cheated in such cases is almost guaranteed. Do not transfer important personal information, data from your account or bank card. Check the links you follow on the web more carefully. It is possible that some of them are phishing. If a domain name is very similar to a well-known and safe one, but does not match 100%, there is a fear that the site is not official and was created with the purpose of deception.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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