How to protect cars from rust

Considering that the car is a rather expensive investment, we are sure that none of our readers will ever want to deal with rust , a fearsome enemy that can silently erode the bodywork in a persistent way, making it very difficult to remove .

Rust is also an incredibly tough opponent, and a one-way street. In fact, once it begins to appear, rust will only get worse, grow and spread.

Either way, there’s no shortage of good news. In particular, rust can be prevented and can be cured . But how?

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How your car is made

How to avoid rust on your car

How your car is made

As always, the starting point to be able to understand how to prevent any serious damage to your bodywork can only be to understand how your car is made and, consequently, how you can help the vehicle to be able to defend itself against this enemy. .

It is well known, in this sense, that every manufacturer uses sheets and metal structures to be able to build their own car. Considering that rust attacks precisely these components, it follows that it is a problem that can affect each vehicle, especially if the car is parked and used where there is humidity, particularly extreme weather conditions, climbs and so on.

Having said that, it is also true that the metal of your vehicle is not left “uncovered”, but is coated with a paint and a protection of the same , which prevent rust from having an easy life.

Unfortunately, however, there are some conditions in which rust can still prevail, and they generally coincide with all those situations in which the paint and the protective layer are damaged.

Think, by way of obviously non-exhaustive example, of the case in which pebbles, dirt, residues, hail and other elements can damage the protective layer. And woe to think that it is necessary to experience serious damage to the bodywork to be exposed to the risk of rust! In fact, even a small cut on it is sufficient to be able to meet the risk of moisture “entering” the metal, thus starting that process of oxidation of the metal that leads to the much feared rust. Which, chemically, is nothing more than a loss of electrons that can weaken the metal and, hence, favor oxidation.

How to avoid rust on your car

Having clarified the above, we can try to take action and try to understand how to prevent rust, preventing this element from making its beautiful appearance on metal.

A good practice would be to practice maximum hygiene and, in particular, clean your car with a wax once every two or three weeks. While doing this, it would also be wise to carefully look at the car body for any scratches, dents, and other damage that could be gaps where moisture could enter. Noticing these areas as soon as possible allows you to run for cover and, thanks to the repair, more effectively prevent rust.

Touching up every damaged point, which emerged after cleaning the bodywork, will thus improve the appearance of your car and, even more, ensure good protection for it.

Obviously, to do this, our advice can only be to go to a trusted mechanic and a coachbuilder, who will carry out every intervention in order to restore maximum protection to your car.

If, on the other hand, the rust has unfortunately already started to appear on the car, then it is good to immediately adopt one of the treatments ad hoc for this purpose. Typically, the body shop will sand the surface until the rust is gone, and the metal is “bare”. Then, it will apply a chemical product and seal the surface, and then proceed to the next application of the paint.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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