How to properly fight mules in Death Stranding

In Death Stranding, the main character, Sam Porter Bridges, will have to confront not only the ghostly Beasts, but also the so-called MULE – a group of independent couriers. When you first bump into these guys, we strongly advise you to go into confrontation with them in order to understand what they can do and how they generally behave on the battlefield.

You will soon realize that the MULES are not trying to kill Sam. All they need is the burden of the protagonist, which he stubbornly refuses to part with. Members of the MUL will be all sorts of cunning and use special electric spears. After all, the surest way to knock a person out is with a strong electrical discharge. By the way, during fights with mules, you always need to follow the yellow scale of consciousness, otherwise they will achieve their goal.

If you don’t want to fight the MULES, you can always keep yourself busy with hide and seek. There is nothing complicated here: having found the camp of this group, go to the squatting position and move in the direction you need, or neutralize all the enemy with the available equipment. As soon as you get rid of a certain number of opponents, the enemy camp will come under your control.

MULES are on your tail – what to do?

Ok, the MULES have noticed you and you want to escape from them – what should you do in such a difficult situation? Perhaps the only thing you can do is zigzag and dodge electric spears. If the MULES get too close to you, time will slow down and you will gain the desired advantage. Nevertheless, we still recommend that you deal with MULs in a stealthy mode, so as not to inadvertently break the wood.

The mules are tired – with a load in the face

What if you want to break the woods? Well, MULES are just humans, so you can use any weapon available on them. However … there is one tactic against MULEs that outweighs any weaponry in Death Stranding. And the name of this tactic is – hit with a load in the face until everyone falls in love. That’s right, pick up a heavier parcel, hit the MULE with it, pick up another parcel, and so on.

Surprisingly, the tactic works so well that it can easily clear an entire camp with it. No, this is not an exaggeration. On YouTube, you will surely find some funny videos of Sam beating up independent couriers with packages.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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