Every true gamer knows what Steam is and actively uses it. This is a service through which people download computer games from various developers . Today, several thousand games for Linux, Windows, OS X are distributed through it.

The service allows you to protect gamers from third-party fraudulent activities

Anyone who regularly buys games through Steam knows that accounts of shortsighted users can be hacked and stolen. To exclude such an outcome of events, experts recommend turning on Guard in your Steam account. This is a feature that protects your profile from intruders.

Inclusion stages

First, you need to start the platform itself. Security is configured in the “Settings” item of the main menu (in OS X it is “Options”). Find the section “Account” here. The status line will indicate if the Guard option is enabled. If the “defender” is disabled, follow these steps:

  • click on “Manage Steam Guard Settings”;
  • select the option you are interested in to protect your account;
  • click “Next”.

This completes the setup. It’s enough to understand how to enable Steam Guard. The changes should take effect, for this we recommend restarting the program .

Possible problems

There are times when the user simply does not see the required field. This happens for several reasons.

Missing Steam Guard button

The key you need may be missing if the account was restored recently through the technical support service. Logging out and re-authorizing will help solve the problem . This operation sometimes has to be repeated several times (the button usually appears after two or three successful authorizations).

Confirmation e-mail

Forgot to verify your e-mail? In this case, it will not work to improve protection. Complete this step by opening your account details (click on the profile name on the service website).

Next, you need to select “Confirm e-mail address” and follow the recommendations given by the system. A letter with a link should be sent to the mail specified when registering an account, go to it.

If nothing came, we recommend making sure that the mail recorded during registration matches the real one. If you need to change the address,  contact the technical support of the Steam platform. If you use Gmail, check the “Updates”, the letter may be in this section. Some mailboxes automatically send such emails to spam, check that too. If these tips did not help, write to the technical support of the service.

Login to your account

The procedure is as follows:

  • Log in to the service from another browser or device. The system will prompt you to enter a code to prevent hackers from reaching your account.
  • Open the letter with the code on the mail indicated when the “defender” function was turned on. In case of difficulties, add official Steam mail to the list of “white” addresses or check for spam.
  • Copy the code, paste it into the “Steam Guard” window.
  • If you are logging in from your PC, select “Remember this computer”.
  • Come up with a name to distinguish between the devices that are used to log in.
  • Click Sign In.

You can even get the code by phone, just download and install a special application . Remember that the mobile authenticator generates a code in auto mode every half a minute. You must enter the newest!


  1. If you give permission to log in with a new device, then Community Market and Trading functions will not be available for 15 days.
  2. You cannot set the same password for e-mail and Steam account.
  3. Steam Guard itself turns on for any user in the service at the first registration. If you turn it off manually, you will have to do all the steps again to turn it on.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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