How to print a book I bought on Google Play – Books

Day after day, the options that Google offers in its products for the public are getting better and better and it adds a considerable amount of easy-to-use tools, such as the Play Store , the Android application library, and also Google Photos, a virtual album that allows you to sync your files in a cloud.

Also, since 2010, they have developed a virtual book reader, which are also known as eBooks, called ‘ Google Play Books ‘, and more recently, it allows you to upload any file in PDF or ePub format that you have stored in your computer, up to 1000 for each user.

Generally, the books we buy through Google Play come with certain restrictions, such as not being able to copy some lines, or even not being able to print pages that may be necessary for our work and that we need to have in physical form.

But why does this happen? The reason is quite simple, and at the same time controversial on the Internet: DRM or ‘Digital Rights Management’ for its acronym in English, which basically translates as digital copyright, and is closely linked to any product with intellectual material that we buy In Internet.

DRMs are the regulatory norm for those who can access certain books once payment has been made, and establish the conditions when offering their product, that when we are unable to print, select and copy phrases or paragraphs, and whose purpose is greatly reduce the distribution of illegal copies.

In fact, at the same time they are so rigid, that what has generated this controversy in free software users, since most of them it is not possible to access books due to the DRM prohibiting their viewing through these softwares.

Ways to print

To be able to print the book , or the pages you need for your personal use, you must use a computer and through it, download the ‘Adobe Digital Editions’ program which will allow you to do this procedure without skipping any rules legal, and without long-term problems.

Once the program is installed, now go to the Google Play Books application where you must access ‘My Books’ where through the three ellipsis icon ‘…’ you will look for the format in which you want to download it, either PDF or ePub; then you must connect the equipment to the computer.

By this time, the Adobe Digital Edition program must be running on the computer , which will authorize the recognition of your ebook reader equipment through your Adobe ID; And finally, you will have on your computer the book that you have bought in Google Play Books legally.

Recommended forms at your own risk

As we mentioned at the beginning, there are DRM whose function is to regulate the use that we give to our books despite having paid the price for them, and that companies like Apple and Amazon have their own copyright protectors, ‘Fairplay ‘for Apple and DRM Amazon .

However, the applications that exist on the internet for free use are endless, and in what several forums agree is that ‘Caliber’ is the safest to bypass DRM, installing ‘plugins’ through its functions.

Once the application is downloaded, you must also download a compressed file where all the necessary scripts are found, which is ‘ ‘; When you have all these files on your computer, you start executing ‘Caliber’ and select in the ‘Preferences’ option the one that says ‘ Change Caliber Behavior ‘

This will immediately give you the option of ‘Plugins’ where you must select ‘Load From File’ and go to the zip file that we mentioned above, which once unzipped, will show you the ‘Caliber_Plugins’ folder where all the plugins that will allow you are found skip various DRM; when selecting it, click add and then yes.

This process may take you some time, depending on what you need, but remember that it is your own responsibility to disable the DRM of the electronic books that you have in your library, and that its use should not be to generate income illegally. .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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