How to Preserve Flowers: 8 Simple Techniques

Naturally, the lifespan of each type of flower is not the same. However, you can try to prolong the freshness of the bouquet in the vase a little. There is nothing complicated or new in the methods I use, so every girl should know them.”

  1. Before placing the bouquet in water, it is necessary to remove all the leaves, almost to the base of the bud. This way, water will flow to the flowers in the required quantity.
  2. It is important to check the amount of water in the vase every day or at least every two days and renew it. It is advisable to put flowers in water at room temperature, and if possible, it is better to take water not from the tap, but from a container where it has settled for a couple of days.
  3. After you refresh the water, trim the flower stems slightly at an angle – this way they will absorb water more intensively.
  4. Choose a place for your flower vase where there is not too much light, heat or cold, but at the same time, not too little.
  5. Make sure that no water gets on the flower buds while processing the bouquet, otherwise they will start to rot from the inside.
  6. If your flowers have tree-like stems, they should be immersed in water more deeply, since such plants absorb water more slowly. You can also crumble the tip of the stem a little. And if you have, for example, bulbous plants in your bouquet, do not immerse them in water too deeply – because of the soft stem, they may not tolerate prolonged contact with a large amount of water and will quickly begin to rot.
  7. If the flowers have already started to fade, try putting them in hot water, after wrapping each bud in paper. Leave them like this for a while – this may help.
  8. I never use any additives to the water like sugar or alcohol because flowers basically just need clean water and a little attention.