How to Prepare for the Exam Quickly

Use the algorithm for creating the perfect outline. Apply the 3-4-5 technique and study a huge amount of material in three approaches. Master the technique of speed reading – it suits the peculiarities of perception of 80% of people. Eat chocolate, nuts, and oranges, but avoid sedatives. And also use the signs, if you believe in them – it turns out that this can really help. Now let’s talk about everything in more detail.


1 How to prepare for the exam in a day

2 How to prepare for exams in 3 days

3 How to prepare for exams in a month

4 Technique “3-4-5”

5 Preparation with speed reading

6 Algorithm for creating the perfect outline

7 Signs that work

8 TOP 5 Tips for Effective Preparation

8.1 Summary

How to prepare for the exam in a day

If that’s theory . Create the perfect outline and use the 3-4-5 technique, which will help you memorize a large amount of information in 1 day. It is also important to put the material in your head – even in a strictly limited time, answer a few questions on the topic. Questions and tasks are easy to find online or in manuals. If you have time, you can test yourself with small tests.

If this is practice . Cases when you have to decide, perform laboratory work, carry out all kinds of analyzes, and so on. In this case it is ineffective to solve typical tasks on your own, especially if these are complex tasks. Better to see how others do it. There are a lot of video tutorials and video solutions on the network, laboratory work – watch them. Focus on the obscure elements of the solution and, if necessary, go over the theory, refresh your memory or study the basic rules, theorems, processes.

If it’s a language . The above rules are difficult to apply to foreign language exams. If you are going to listen, then prepare a set of phrases for each of the topics that will be on the exam. Practice shows that to ensure the “troika” it is enough to have at least 5 phrases in the arsenal. If you have a test – try to go through the standard options and understand the logic of compiling methodological materials. Most often, during testing, knowledge of certain groups of vocabulary and grammar rules is checked. Study them as soon as you understand what is required of you.

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How to prepare for exams in 3 days

If that’s theory. You have at least 3 days at your disposal – it’s time to use the 3-4-5 technique. During preparation, we also recommend creating an ideal synopsis, which will help not only to acquire a concise summary of the required amount of information, but also ensure a better memorization of the material.

Don’t neglect the speed reading capabilities. When preparing for the literature exam, it makes sense to master the summary of the works and read reviews to them.

If this is practice. It makes sense to combine independent problem solving and laboratory work with watching videos. Remember, you don’t have much time. Therefore, open typical tasks, review tasks and conditions and mark with one color those that you definitely cannot solve. Others – those with whom there will definitely be problems. Work the first ones first, then the second ones. Skip tasks in which you are strong – there is no time for self-affirmation.

If it’s a language. With 3 days left, it is worth not only memorizing sets of phrases and words on the topics that will be on the exam, but also devote time to grammar rules. Try to tackle the sections in which you feel especially weak. If something absolutely does not work out and is not remembered, skip it and go on to the next rules.

How to prepare for exams in a month

If that’s theory . In a month, you can prepare correctly: draw up a lesson plan in a gentle mode and stick to it. But don’t waste your time – use it wisely. It is very important to determine the amount of material that needs to be studied in 1 day – for example, 2 tickets or 3 topics. Follow the lesson plan. Most likely, you will have to combine training in several subjects. In this case, it is better to first prepare for practice and only then for theory.

If this is practice . Spend 1/3 of the time studying theory and 2/3 of the time solving problems on your own. Choose the right vector – from simple to complex. You have plenty of time to prepare yourself well, so go through the material in stages. Every day watch at least 1-2 videos on the topic with solving problems, performing laboratory. Ideally, they will be accompanied by comments on the most common mistakes, tricks and pitfalls in each topic studied.

If it’s a language . Study vocabulary, grammar and syntax equally. Try to memorize at least 10 words and 5 phrases daily on the topics that will be on the exam. Be sure to repeat what you have learned every day.

Use virtual services where you can learn a language associatively – it is very important that the sound of each foreign language word evokes the appropriate image.

Method “3-4-5”

The technique is predominantly suitable for the study of theory. It is ideal if you have at least 3 days to study the material. In this case, the preparation will be structured as follows:

  • 1 day. You study all material fluently using speed reading or just fast reading (read as fast as you can). Do not focus on anything, except for completely incomprehensible points and terms.
  • 2nd day. You study the material in more depth. On this day, it is also recommended to prepare an ideal synopsis – during reading, mark (preferably with a marker) key points, definitions, terms, algorithms.
  • Day 3. You study in detail the same material in the same volume. It is advisable to be able to pay attention to aspects and nuances, draw up a kind of thought map, answer plans, and pass several tests.

It is important to understand that the technique is relevant for a three-day preparation only if the amount of material is realistic to read in 1 day. In other cases, it is worth shortening it – choose the most important and what you know least. If you have a lot of time, then divide it into three equal parts and follow the original plan (instead of 1 day – 1 part of the time).

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Preparing with speed reading

Speed ​​reading in the sense we need does not imply empty reading from corner to corner, but the fastest possible reading of the required material. It is not suitable for materials that are teeming with formulas and terms. The point of using it in practice is that our brain is able to adapt to the fast pace of reading. In the course of getting used to, you will understand and remember only 10-15% of the passed material. But over time, the brain will adjust to the set pace.

Another feature of speed reading is saving time on unnecessary eye movements. If you pay attention to how you visually grasp individual words and phrases from the text, stop at them, run forward and backward, it will become clear where precious minutes go. There are many speed reading programs for both PCs and smartphones. It is best to use them so that there is no need to cover what you read with a sheet of paper, as was done before.

Algorithm for creating the perfect outline

  1. Specify the topics that will be tested in the exam. They do not always correspond to the sections of the educational program. Almost always, teachers give students codifiers, tickets, and the like.
  2. Collect materials. Ideally, these are basic notes or high-quality summaries of the necessary topics and sections. The less information, the better.
  3. Grasp the marker. It is best to edit content on a computer or laptop. As a last resort, take regular printouts and a regular marker. We open the materials, read and highlight all the key points in color.
  4. Remove the excess. Everything that was not marked with a marker is unnecessary, we delete it (if you worked on a PC) or ignore it (if you highlighted key points on paper).
  5. Combine the selection into 1 abstract. The structure is as follows: the topic and the main theses to it from the material you highlighted earlier. It is desirable that information on each topic be on a separate sheet.

Signs that work

Knock on wood. Open the window, wave the book and shout: “Freebie, come!”. Carry with you any talismans (within reason) and any items that you think are lucky. Even if their “magical” properties do not work, psychologically you will feel more confident. Do not neglect omens if you believe in them.

Psychologists are convinced that superstition, which has become firmly established in human life, is a way of protecting against stress and external aggression. Simply put, we believe in omens to calm and protect ourselves.

While preparing for exams, protecting yourself from stress certainly won’t hurt you. Naturally, there is no need to sacrifice someone. But within the framework of reason, it will be useful to “feed” internal superstitions.

TOP 5 Tips for Effective Preparation

# 1. Follow your plan. You must make a preparation plan anyway, even if you only have one day to study a gigantic amount of material. There is no need to chaotically flip through manuals and notes, while at the same time making yourself nervous with fears about the impossibility of learning all this. Remember, you can always do better. Even if you only have a few hours, you will be able to know more than you know now. Have a preparation plan and don’t deviate from it.

# 2. Eat healthy and sleep well. Sleep – at least 6 hours. Otherwise, you risk not only not gaining new knowledge during the preparation, but also losing the existing one. Your brain will simply refuse to think as clearly as usual. Do not exclude carbohydrates from your diet in any way – stop any diets (unless they are mandatory on the recommendation of a doctor). Eat reasonable amounts of nuts, chocolate, bananas, and other carbohydrate and micronutrient foods.

Number 3. Prepare the day before the exam. Only if you feel the need for it. Many teachers advise not to learn anything on the day before the exam. This does not take into account that you can worry about the lack of confidence in your own strengths and knowledge. As a result, you will be more exhausting not the preparation, but the stress experienced. If you feel the need to prepare, prepare, but sparingly.

No. 4. Smile and laugh. You probably have a favorite comedy show – include 30 minutes of watching it in every preparation day. Laughter is a great stress reliever and helps to relax mentally. But it’s even better to choose something funny or positive, not related to electronics. Distracted conversations with friends and family, short walks and the like.

No. 5. Don’t prepare together. Another common mistake is studying for exams with friends and girlfriends. This training mechanism is often advised by teachers. In fact, you will be distracting each other more often than is possible during the “rest minutes.” No brainstorming sessions, no joint discussions. Any discussion can be built only in a “question-answer” format and only if you are confident in the competence of the person providing the information for the preparation.


How to quickly prepare for the exam? Formulate a plan, choose the best methodology, create a synopsis and start preparing. No matter how much time you have, stay calm. Rest assured that you will be able to do everything in your power. And what you cannot do physically is definitely not worth worrying about. Believe in yourself and try to forget about fears – after all, you are not under fire, but only under the scrutiny of the examiner.

If you have to take an internship, solve more and watch videos on solving problems and performing laboratory work. If you are preparing for a foreign language exam, select sets of phrases and words for each topic. Try to think wider. Don’t stress yourself out. Eat and sleep well. Remember: you will succeed.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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