How to predict the price of turnips in Animal Crossing New Horizons

An external tool allows us to find out the price trend of turnips on our Animal Crossing New Horizons islands.Find out how much turnips will be on your island in Animal Crossing New Horizons for Nintendo Switch

‘ Animal Crossing New Horizons ‘ has as one of its main sources of income the sale of turnips, which can be purchased once a week (and without any limit beyond the economic limit) on Sundays  when Juliana passes through the islands around the world until 12 noon.

It is from this moment when Nintendo Switch players  have only one week to sell what they purchased, so that from that moment on they will have to go to the Tendo and Nendo store  to ask how much they buy the turnips, changing this price every day 2 times (in the morning and in the afternoon). However, what would you say if we told you that you can predict the price of turnips in Animal Crossing New Horizons ? We tell you how to do it.

Check out our Animal Crossing New Horizons guide

A calculator predicts the price of turnips

To be able to carry out this trick, you will have to access a   special Calculator that we leave you in this link. Once inside, you will see that everything is mathematical, in such a way that the price of turnips in Tendo and Nendo’s store  is predefined from the beginning. In order to use this calculator, you will have to follow the following steps:

Put the price at which you have bought each unit of turnip. For example, to 103.

Set the price at which Tendo and Nendo buy them each day of the week, both in the morning and in the afternoon.

In this way, if you enter the data for Monday, the calculator will estimate the maximum and minimum that turnips can reach that week on your island. If you put those of Tuesday, it will give you a more exact estimate and so on until the end of the week.

It is worth mentioning that these data are only valid during the week in which you are. For example, the data for the week from March 30 to April 5 would not be valid for the week from April 6 to 12. In the same way, the best thing you can do is also look at whether the estimate for the coming days is going up or down, so that you can know precisely which day is the best to sell turnips.


by Abdullah Sam
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