How to Play Fortnite Split Screen on PS4

Learn how to play Fortnite in split-screen mode on your PS4 and enjoy the thrill of gaming with friends or family members on the same screen.In this guide we explain how to enable split-screen multiplayer on the same console in Fortnite on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

PlayStation and Xbox family consoles allow you to play Fortnite in split-screen mode . This means that you can play split-screen on the same PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , and Xbox Series X|S console . In this section of our complete Fortnite Battle Royale guide we’ll tell you how to play split-screen on the same console :

How to Play Fortnite Split Screen on PS4.

Although this option came to the game several years ago without warning, it is not explained to us in a sufficiently clear way how to play split screen with two players , so we leave you this step-by-step tutorial :

  1. We log in to Fortnite on PS4, PS5, Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S with our main profile.
  2. Once in the lobby, choose any mode that supports more than one player per team, such as Duos, Trios, Squads, or Team Rumble.
  3. With a second controller we log into a second PlayStation Network or Xbox Live profile, depending on our platform.
  4. With the second controller session started, in the Fortnite waiting room, hold down triangle (PS4/PS5) or Y (Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S) for a while.
  5. We log in to Fortnite with the game account linked to the PlayStation Network or Xbox Live profile with which we have logged in on the second controller.
  6. With the session started on controller 2, press and hold the triangle button (PS4/PS5) or Y button (Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S) on controller 1 to regain control.
  7. The profile of the player on controller 2 will appear in the lobby alongside the profile of the player on controller 1.

nd that’s it, we can now play Fortnite in split screen, although there are a number of peculiarities and restrictions to take into account:

What are the differences between normal games and split-screen games in Fortnite?

We tested Fortnite split-screen mode on Xbox family consoles and noticed the following differences compared to single-player console games:

  • We can only play Duos, Trios, Squads or Team Rumble in split screen . Playing alone we can play all game modes.
  • The split screen maintains an approximate proportion of 16:9 for each of the two, leaving room on the sides.
  • When playing in split-screen, the game runs at 30 FPS on PS4 and Xbox One (60 FPS on PS5 and Xbox Series X) and draw distance is reduced . This is to optimize resources and ensure a minimum of fluidity for both players.
  • One of the two players decides when to jump from the battle bus , and after this, both players jump at the same time and follow the same fall path and trajectory until deploying the hang glider. Both players can switch roles whenever they want.
  • If one of the two players dies and returns to the lobby, the other will also return . Both must be in the lobby at the same time , or in the game.

With all these limitations, winning matches is harder than usual . In other words: Fortnite’s split-screen mode is a working option that’s there, but don’t expect optimal performance from the game.