How to play Captain Mendoza in Crucible

Captain Mendoza is one of ten selectable
heroes in the Crucible. He is a decorated military veteran, having been on 50 different
missions before this one. Instead he has a history of disobeying higher-ranking officers
do what he feels is right. Here’s how you should play Mendoza.

How to play Captain Mendoza in the

Captain Mendoza is the closest example to Crucible of the Soldier from Overwatch 76. He executes an auto rifle that has 26 rounds before being reloaded.

His first skill is Sprint, which
allows him to run at full speed like Soldier 76.

He can call for a refuel, which
drops a bunker and med kit where you call him. If there are any enemies near
its landing spot, it will knock them back.

Mendoza can throw an instant grenade to
blind enemies for a short time and he too can aim down, which improves
the accuracy of his rifles while slowing his movement.

As a bonus, it gets an extra
health boost if players get enough essence from reapers and killing

You’re going to want to use
Mendoza’s Sprint to position yourself in a profitable spot. If enemies are
getting too close, be sure to move within medium range. That
will be the best range to take full advantage of the Mendoza weapon.

Make sure you don’t forget to use the Flash
Grenade to disorient enemies and call for supply if you are in an
open area and catch fire. This will give you cover and a medkit to heal

Captain Mendoza is very similar to
Soldier 76 and arguably the easiest Crucible hero to use in the game. Each hero
the shooter has their own military personnel and Mendoza is the one for this game. If you
play other shooting games, you will know how to play it and how to get the most out
of it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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