How to play as Ari in League of Legends

When playing for any particular champion, it is important to understand why we are playing for him, what are his strengths and weaknesses. Ahri is an assassin at its core, has tremendous mobility and colossal, explosive damage coupled with excellent control. Playing as her, it is worth playing at a fast pace and seizing the advantage every possible second. Thanks to her explosive damage, control and mobility, she has the ability to kill one or even two enemy carries by bursting in from behind a bush and emerge completely unharmed.

Ari’s pros

  1. Mobility(thanks to Ghost Dash on the R key ). It is almost impossible to catch you on the map in any situation, as well as run away from you. Ghost Dash gives you the ability to eliminate an enemy from an ambush when he doesn’t expect it.
  2. Explosive damage. Ari has colossal, instant damage, sometimes three abilities are enough to kill the enemy.
  3. The Snowball Principle. The more you gain benefits, the stronger you become. Take a couple of kills right at the start and you can’t be stopped.)
  4. The control. Ability – “Charm” ( E) is an excellent control throughout the game, with the help of it you can easily kill your opponent / save a friendly champion / save yourself when you need to run away.
  5. With the help of a passive ability, you feel great throughout the game, especially in your lane.
  6. Good potential for entering enemy lines. Starting at 6th level, you should visit neighboring lanes more often to take even more advantage. A successful entry to another lane can give you a couple of kills and a tower, as well as a large amount of gold.
  7. Good line cleanup. Ahri feels good enough in the lane, you calmly kill enemy minions with the Orb of Deception ( Q) from afar.

Cons of Ari

  1. Its quantity must be constantly monitored, especially at the beginning of the game on the line. You should not scatter your skills endlessly – at some point you may find yourself without mana, that is, without damage and the ability to survive.
  2. Easy to kill. Ahri is a very fragile champion, if you get caught in control you will most likely die.
  3. Lagging predisposition. Ari is relatively slow to gain experience. And if you are far behind in level from your allies, you will have a very, very difficult, drawn-out game.
  4. Difficulty in mastering. Until you learn to hit the Charm ( E) 90 out of 100 times and master all possible combinations, you are unlikely to win most matches. Feel free to use the Training Tool inside the game. You can take your time to familiarize yourself with all the abilities of the hero in a comfortable environment.

Priority boosting abilities

Spectral Dash ( R )> Orb of Deception ( Q )> Charm ( E )> Foxfire ( W )

“Phantom Dash” should be pumped first in line, because each new level of this spell reduces recharge and increases damage. Orb of Deception is the main source of damage. It also breaks through armor on the way back. “Charm” prevails over “Foxfire” for each new level the spell “Charm” increases the time the enemy is in control, at the last level. The control time is 2 seconds (that’s a lot!).

Summoner Runes and Spells


Final assembly of things

Final Build Items

Principles of playing for Ari

If you stick to certain principles, you increase your chance of winning. They have a so-called “wireframe influence” and your game gains balance and strength.

Explosive damage

One of your greatest strengths is your damage output. You literally need a couple of seconds to kill an enemy champion, so you should choose targets with the least amount of health.

Explosive Damage Example


Ahri has amazing mobility, as many as 3 charges of a jump coupled with a jump. You have the ability to catch up with your opponent, or escape if necessary.


The more benefits you gain, the stronger you become. Try to keep up with the pace, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to get back into the game. It is in your best interest to seize influence in the lane as soon as possible, then you can calmly walk around the map, helping your allies.


Basically, there is one most optimal set of runes for each champion, but the more you play as a champion, the more you start using different options. It is worth experimenting with them, because if we remember the old rune system and how many variations there were then, it will become uncomfortable. Now the runes have been greatly simplified, but at the same time, the space for experiments is rather big. Let’s consider the most classic set and possible variations. If you do not consider yourself an experienced player, then it is worth mastering the basis first.

  • “Execution by electricity”is the main and most important rune for Ari. Deals approximately ⅕ of all damage in the entire game. Orb of Deception ( Q ) + Charm ( E ) + Basic Attack and Shock Execution will immediately deal damage. This rune is your best friend throughout the game. On the lane – excellent damage, in team fights / 1-on-1 skirmishes – the same damage that will finish your target.
  • “Flicker Strike”– this rune is perfectly combined with the “Ghost Dash” ( R ), after each jump, you get additional magic penetration, that is, additional damage in%. You can check the amount of damage done by this rune at the end of the game, it will be about ⅙ of all damage.
  • Collection of Eyes– After each kill / assisted kill, you gain additional spell power, this will help you maintain the snowball principle.
  • Absolute Hunter / Insatiable Hunteris a matter of taste. If you want an extra 15% cooldown on your Ultimate, go for Ultimate Hunter . If you want more healing throughout the game, then the second option is worth taking.
  • “Burn” / “Shining Cloak”– the first option is great, because it adds unnecessary mobility Ari. The second option is great for winning the lane as early as possible. You take significant additional damage early in the game, but this damage will not be as effective in the future.
  • “Supremacy”is a mandatory rune, 10% to recharge skills have a great impact on the game for Ahri. You will be able to use combinations more often.

Summoner spells

Summoner spells are much easier to deal with than runes. The situation is exactly the same: first we master the basis, then we experiment.

Jump is perfect as a first spell. The second is to take “Ignite” – it will help you win the lane at the beginning of the game, and finish off your opponent in the future.

The current set of things for Ari

With things, the situation is more complicated than with runes. Variations in assemblies can be up to one hundred. But don’t be scared, you just need to understand who we are playing against. If the enemies have only magic damage, this means that we need to purchase protection from magic. If enemies have a lot of physical damage, buying armor will reduce the opponent’s chance of winning to almost zero. If you’ve taken a big advantage, buy items that keep you strong early in the game.

Doran’s Ring + Health Potion x 2

This is what the starting purchase looks like. If you are confident in your abilities, you can try to buy “Dark Seal” and 3 bottles of health, this will give you the opportunity to make a strong start and grab more advantage from the very beginning of the game.

Main subjects

Luden’s impulse

The first item to collect is this one. It is ideal for Ahri in all its characteristics, we get 20% to recharge skills, explosive damage and mana, perfect!

Sorcerer’s Boots

Perfect second subject. We get magic penetration, that is, additional damage as a percentage of the target.

Death Hat of Rabadon

If you are overclocked, the third item is to take this one. You can also improve Dark Seal if you manage to capture 10 charges. If you are not overclocked, keep the Rabadon Hat for 4th or 5th in the purchasing priority.

Abyssal staff

If you are overclocked, pick up this item immediately after the Rabadon Hat. With this item, you ignore a good portion of the enemy’s magical defense, which literally doubles your damage.

Secondary subjects


If enemies have strong healing (Soraka and similar champions), then it is worth taking this item. In addition, it will add extra vitality to you.

Lyandry’s Torment

If the enemies have a lot of tanks, feel free to take this item. It deals damage as a percentage of the target, you will literally burn the enemy tank.

Spell Catcher

If the enemies have champions with a small amount of health (no tanks), take this item, it will add explosive damage to you, you will kill enemy champions even faster.

Banshee veil

Do enemies have a lot of control and magic damage? Take Banshee and don’t worry about anything.

Zhony’s hourglass

It is almost always worth picking up this item. It makes it possible to survive during a skirmish, besides, physical damage will not bother you much.

Combinations and tricks

Having perfectly mastered all possible combinations, you increase your chances of winning overwhelmingly. The ideal tool for mastery is “Training Fields”. Spend at least an hour in them as a certain champion, master all possible combinations on the map, get used to ability timers, feel the full strength of the character.

Charm ( E )> Orb of Deception ( Q )

Basic combination: we hit with “Charm” and release the “Orb of Deception”, add an auto attack and the enemy receives “Execution by electricity” (rune). A fairly strong combo in the early game.

Charm ( E )> Foxfire ( W )> Orb of Deception ( Q )

Complete basic combo with high damage.

Orb of Deception ( Q )> Fox Fire ( W )

An excellent combination to exchange on the line.

Spectral Dash ( R )> Charm ( E )> Foxfire ( W )> Orb of Deception ( Q )> Spectral Dash ( R )> Spectral Dash ( R )

A combination that kills. First, we release Charm, jump with Ghost Dash (or the sequence vice versa) and kill the opponent. We still have 2 Ghost Dash charges left to finish off or run away.

Charm ( E )> Orb of Deception ( Q )> Spectral Dash ( R )> Spectral Dash ( R )> Spectral Dash ( R )

With this combination, we can easily escape. “Charm” does not allow the opponent to do anything to you, as at the same time you are already running away from the opponent with the “Phantom Dash” and heal + accelerated with the “Orb of Deception”, maybe it will turn out and turn around to kill.

Orb of Deception ( Q )> Spectral Dash ( R )> Charm ( E )> Foxfire ( W )> Spectral Dash ( R )> Orb of Deception ( Q )> Spectral Dash “( R )

If you are in a teamfight, this combination displays the entire list of your actions in it. If you can’t get your opponent out of the bushes, this combination is perfect for a full-fledged fight. Throw “Sphere of Deception”, “Ignite”, jump with “Ghostly Dash”, pull in the desired target with “Charm” (usually an enemy shooter or mid-lane), turn on “Fox Fire” ( W ), and finish off with the ultimate. If the target is still alive, we have time to give another Orb of Deception and Ghost Dash.

Charm ( E ) / Orb of Deception ( Q ) + Leap

The smallest but most important combination. It’s quite difficult to master (it’s all about milliseconds), I advise you to practice on the “Training Fields”. What is the essence of the combination? The fact is that by clicking on “Charm”, Ari does not immediately cast it, there is still half a second of animation before casting the spell. As you click on “Charm”, wait a quarter of a second and press the jump in the direction you need. As soon as Ari is in the place where the jump was directed, she says “Charm” without animation delays, which does not allow the opponent to react quickly, and in most cases you will catch and kill the enemy opponent. Applies to Orb of Deception in order to finish off.

In the video below, we can clearly see how Kalista did not have time to react to the combination “Charm” + “Jump”:

“Charm” + “Leap”

The initial stage of the game

The initial stage of the game lasts approximately from the beginning of the game until the 20th minute, also called the Laning Phase . This phase decides how the entire game will play out. The main tasks: farm creeps (at least 12 creeps per minute), not die, get more kills and demolish as many towers / dragons as possible. At its core, the phase should be calm, but in the solo turn, this is the most important phase for players. This is your chance to gain as much advantage as possible and finish the game faster.

In the early stages of playing for Ari, you should farm as much as possible and impose skirmishes on your lane opponent. You have excellent ability to fight once again on the lane. Thanks to the passive skill, you restore yourself a good portion of health every time. If you manage to catch your opponent with E , it is almost always 50% of your opponent’s health. Once you catch him again, you will have a kill, and therefore a winning line.

Regardless of whether you won your lane or not, starting from the 6th level you can walk along other lanes, imposing fights, and help your allies. If you won the lane, it is worth helping your allies. You will most likely score a couple more kills and possibly destroy the tower. Remember about the “snowball principle” – it rolls and gets bigger and bigger!

Mid game

At its core, it is the main phase of the game. They run from about the 20th to the 45th minute. It becomes more difficult to play, because the slightest mistakes can have big consequences.

At this stage of the game, team skirmishes and the struggle for towers and dragons (also a herald) already begin. Try to watch for your opponent in an unobvious place to kill him with lightning speed. In team battles, you should not show up until a certain moment, and it is until the moment when you spot the enemy shooter / mid lane, then you should rush in and kill. If you cannot perform these actions and you have already been attacked, help your shooter with E , this will give him the opportunity to survive and shoot to the fullest.

How to handle team skirmishes

Late stage of the game

This phase of the game starts from the 45th minute. Usually, the cost of a mistake at this stage turns out to be defeat. If you lose at least one team member, most likely you will lose. At this stage, each player has a full purchase, and accordingly, maximum damage and maximum efficiency.

In this phase, your actions are the same as in the middle of the game. But here you should be careful, if you get killed, then the game may end. But at the same time, if you can sharply hook and kill the enemy carry, it will turn out to be a victory for you.

It doesn’t take much to play well for Ari. Just Practice, Understanding the Mechanics, Perfect Combinations. Your role is an assassin, your task is to kill enemy carries. With the help of control, you can help not only yourself, but also your allies in difficult situations.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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