How to play 911 Operator on Linux

911 Operator puts the player in the role of an emergency and emergency services dispatcher. This is a fun and challenging video game. It was developed by Jutsu Games and published by the game operators. Here’s how to play Operator 911 on Linux.

How to get 911 Operator to work on Linux

911 Operator runs on Linux thanks to Valve’s fantastic Proton technology. However, the application is not native to Linux. For the game to work on your computer, you need to install the Steam application on your computer.

Installing Steam on Linux is relatively easy, and it is supported by a variety of Linux operating systems. Open a terminal window on your desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard to start the installation. Or search for “Terminal” in the application menu.

When the terminal window is open and ready to use, you can begin the installation. Following the instructions below, launch the Steam application on your computer.


If you are using Ubuntu or an Ubuntu-based operating system, you should be able to get Steam working with the simple apt install command below.

sudo apt install steam


Steam is powered by Debian . However, you will need to get the latest Steam DEB package from the official Steam site. Download Steam using the below wget download command .


Once the DEB package download is complete, the Steam installation can be done using the dpkg command below.

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

With the Steam DEB package installed on your computer, you need to take care of the Steam dependencies on your computer. To fix the dependencies , use the apt-get install -f command .

sudo apt-get install -f

Arch Linux

You will be able to install Steam on your Arch Linux computer if you have a “multilib” software repository set up on your computer. To set up this repo, open the file /etc/pacman.confin your favorite text editor (as root).

After opening the pacman configuration file, find the “mutlilib” section of the text file. Then remove the # in the front as well as the lines directly below it. Then save your changes.

When you’re done editing, use the pacman command to resynchronize the official Arch Linux software servers with your installation.

sudo pacman -Syy

Finally, you will be able to install the Steam application on your computer using the pacman command .

sudo pacman -S steam

Fedora / OpenSUSE

Those using Fedora or OpenSUSE Linux will be able to install the Steam application through the software repositories included with the system. That being said, the Steam Flatpak version works much better on these operating systems and we recommend that you follow these instructions.


If you want to use the Steam Flatpak edition on your computer, you first need to set up the Flatpak runtime on your computer. You can customize your runtime by following this tutorial . After setting up the Flatpak runtime, install Steam using the commands below.

flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Install 911 Operator on Linux

Once Steam is installed on your computer, open it and log into your account. Then follow the step-by-step instructions below to get 911 operator working on Linux.

Step 1: Open the “Steam” menu inside Steam and click on it. Then click the Settings button to open the Steam Settings window.

Inside the Steam Preferences area, find the “Steam Play” section and click on it. Then check the box next to Enable Steam Play for Supported Games and Enable Steam Play for All Other Games.

Step 2: Find the “Store” button and click on it. After clicking this button, you will be taken to the Steam store. From here, click on the search box and type 911 Operator. Press the Enter key to view the search results.

Step 3: Review the search results and select “911 Operator” with the mouse. After selecting a game from the search results, you will be taken to the Steam 911 Operator Store page.

On the 911 Steam Store page, click the green Add to Cart button to purchase the game and add it to your Steam collection.

Step 4: Find the “Library” button on Steam and click on it. Then find the 911 Operator in your library. Once you find the game, find the blue INSTALL button and click on it to download and install the game on your Linux computer.

Step 5: After installing 911 Operator on your Linux computer, the blue INSTALL button will turn into a green PLAY button. Click this play button to play the game on your computer. Enjoy!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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