How to plan and create WordPerfect Templates

Learn how to plan and create WordPerfect templates seamlessly with this comprehensive guide. Stand out with professional-looking and time-saving documents.

How to plan and create WordPerfect Templates.

Creating WordPerfect templates involves several steps that can be organized in a tabular guide for clarity. Here’s a structured approach:

  1. Understanding the Purpose and Scope of the Template:
    • Define what the template will be used for.
    • Identify the repetitive elements that the template needs to address.
  2. Opening WordPerfect and Starting a New Template:
    • Launch WordPerfect.
    • Choose to create a new template rather than a regular document.
  3. Designing the Layout:
    • Decide on the margins, page orientation, and overall layout.
    • Use the ruler and guidelines to set up the layout.
  4. Adding Standard Text and Fields:
    • Insert any text that will be standard across all uses of the template.
    • Add fields for the variable data that will change with each use.
  5. Incorporating Tables, Charts, and Images (if applicable):
    • Insert tables or charts as needed.
    • Position and format images if they are a part of the template.
  6. Formatting Styles:
    • Set up paragraph styles for consistent formatting.
    • Define character styles for specific text enhancements.
  7. Adding Automated Features (macros, quick words, etc.):
    • Create macros for complex repetitive tasks.
    • Set up quick words for frequently used phrases.
  8. Saving the Template:
    • Save the document as a template (.wpt) in the designated templates folder.
    • Name the template appropriately for easy identification.
  9. Testing and Revising the Template:
    • Create a document using the new template to test its functionality.
    • Revise the template as needed based on the test results.
  10. Distribution and Training:
    • Share the template with intended users.
    • Provide training or instructions for using the template effectively.

This guide can be adapted based on the specific requirements and complexity of the templates you are planning to create. Remember, the key to a successful template is its ability to save time and maintain consistency in document creation.

Here are some tips on what to include:

  • If you are creating a WordPerfect template to use as a letter, insert a date field that will work automatically when the template is opened.
  • Also fill in your address and contact information with templates so that you do not have to enter it with every copy.
  • For headings and footnotes, use fields for information that may change but will always contain the same type of information (eg page numbers, document title, file path, etc.).
  • Any text that will be included in all documents based on the template.
  • Columns, margins, buttons, endnotes, footnotes, etc.
  • If you want to use specific macros with the document, include it with the template.
  • If your documents contain sections with different formatting, you can use descriptive placeholder text, such as TITLE or HEADING, that you can type in the copy created from the template. This way, the formatting will be specific to that section.

Mastering the art of planning and creating WordPerfect templates can significantly enhance your document creation process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can design templates that align with your needs, streamline your work, and maintain professionalism in every document you create. So, why wait? Start exploring the possibilities of WordPerfect templates and experience a new level of efficiency and consistency today!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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