We well know that the rivalry between WhatsApp vs Telegram has been able to steal some users from the messaging pioneer; so it never tires of innovating, improving its interface, adding options or improving the ones it already had. This, in order not to make the use of the application repetitive, monotonous or heavy, to remain the best platform when communicating online : It is a didactic practice and direct access.
How to Pin a Message, Conversation or Favorite Chat in WhatsApp on Android or iPhone
In this way, there is fluid communication, without delays and with tools to improve the meeting of chats, contacts and even messages. It is precisely the above and the need to keep its users happy, which has motivated the company to implement the option to pin conversations … Did you have no idea that this alternative was also available on WhatsApp? Here we tell you in simple steps how to achieve it!
Index( )
- What does it mean or what does it mean to pin a conversation on WhatsApp?
- How can I pin a conversation or chat on WhatsApp so I don’t lose sight of it?
- How else can I easily pin or remind messages on WhatsApp?
What does it mean or what does it mean to pin a conversation on WhatsApp?
In principle, we must know what we mean when we talk about anchoring chats on WhatsApp: It consists of placing a conversation permanently at the top of the application screen; so that, despite the fact that there are others in force, said chat is not lost sight of. It is an option that is used in case of frequent dialogues, that contain important data, or that are in the list of favorite contacts.
When you fix it, as its name says, it remains immovable in the first line… That is to say, it will be the number one chat you read when you enter the application. Likewise, several chats can also be set, which will be grouped one below the other according to the time in which they have been selected: When selecting one, it is positioned first, and the one that was before is placed below.
In this way, priority is given to the contact that is anchored immediately, and the others are progressively lowered. However, they continue to be above those that have not been anchored and that are organized by the hours in which the messages are received. Similarly, chats can be unpinned when you decide, either because it is not necessary to keep it immovable or because it is no longer important.
How can I pin a conversation or chat on WhatsApp so I don’t lose sight of it?
To achieve this, you only need to have WhatsApp downloaded and chats started; then locate the conversation you need to pin at the top of the app. When you have already found it, keep your finger pressed on the chat box; when you leave it pressed you will see that it will be shaded with a grayish color, and then appear marked with a green “check”.
If so, you’ll see certain icons at the top of the screen: The option to pin a message is a stationery thumbtack graphic. Tapping on it will immediately pin the conversation in question and move it to first place. You will know that it is signed, this icon that characterizes the option will be constantly immovable: If you receive new messages, the amount enclosed in a green circle will be shown next to the thumbtack.
In case you want to pin multiple chat bubbles, after the first conversation is checked you can choose all the chats you need to pin. When you have all the contacts you need marked with a green check, click on the thumbtack and they will automatically be set in order as they were selected.
How else can I easily pin or remind messages on WhatsApp?
As we have already mentioned, what we can anchor in this way are entire chats that tend to have a certain frequency or relevance in our communications. However, you can also mark individual messages that have some kind of relevance; regardless of whether we want to keep the chat fixed on the screen.
For this we are going to mark the messages as favorites : Enter the chat that has the message you want to remember, put your finger on the text bubble and keep it pressed until it is shaded again and some controls appear above. Click on the star and… Ready! You will have already highlighted the messages; to see them you will only have to access the “starred messages” section from the menu.