How to perform a secure installation of Skype on Linux – Debian, Ubuntu, Mint

Most people around the world install Skype because it is a software that allows them to communicate with family, friends and acquaintances through messages, calls and video calls. This tool is very versatile and can be downloaded on devices such as Mac, Android , iPhone, iPad, Smart TV and Linux, which makes it ideal even for communication between companies.

However, as it is a completely free platform, you do not want to have any failures when it is installed on the Linux system and this article will show you the process of installing Skype on Linux in an easy and safe way. In addition to this, since Skype belongs to Microsoft , in this article you will also know if Skype was installed safely on Linux for Debian, Ubuntu and Mint.

Index(  )

  1. What is the process to easily and safely install Skype on Linux?
    1. Installing Skype for Debian
    2. Performing the installation for Ubuntu
    3. Installing Skype for Mint
  2. How to know if Skype is installed safely on Linux for Debian, Ubuntu and Mint?
  3. Why Installing Skype on Linux for Other Software May Fail and How to Fix It?

What is the process to easily and safely install Skype on Linux?

Next, we are going to  install Skype on Linux easily and safely , do it Installing Skype for Debian and all its derivatives, Performing the installation for Ubuntu or Installing Skype for Mint.

Installing Skype for Debian

To install Skype for Debian and all its derivatives, you just have to follow these easy steps that we will present below:

  1. Proceed to download from the official Debian page the Debian 7.0 (multiarch) version,which is the one indicated for the Skype software.
  2. Install i386 architecture for compatibility; which, you must use the commands that we will present to you: ‘dpkg – add-architecture i386, apt-get update ‘.
  3. Next, go to the window where you downloaded the version for Skype, which is usually the path that we will show you: ‘/home/user/Downloads’.
  4. When you are on the site, proceed to set the following command, which will help you unpack the file you downloaded: ‘dpkg -i skype-debian_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb ‘.
  5. Afterwards, you must use the following command for the program to install the missing dependencies correctly: ‘apt-get -f install ‘.
  6. Having completed all this procedure, you can now finish the installation of Skype in the Debian 8 version.
  7. Finally, you must proceed to open the app to confirm its perfect installation; and for this, you must go to the Activities tab and often search for Skype there.
  8. When you find Skype, proceed to click on it, then a window will open where you must enter your access data.

Performing the installation for Ubuntu

To install Skype for Ubuntu , you need to follow these step by step, which we are going to detail in a simple way:

  1. Proceed to select ‘ubuntu-tweak_0.8.7-getded2-xenial_all.deb’, it will open another window, check the option Save file and then OK; Since we already have it downloaded on our computer, we enter Downloads.
  2. We will see that Ubuntu is already downloaded in a folder, as the name is complicated, we proceed to change it by right clicking the mouse and clicking on the option entitled ‘Rename’.
  3. Already with an easier name, select the Ubuntu folder and in an empty part click on the right button and select the option Open in terminal.
  4. In the terminal, next to the third column, after Downloads, use the following command : ‘sudo dpkg -i tweak.deb’.

Installing Skype for Mint

To install Skype for Mint , easily and safely, it is very important that you apply the following recommendations, which we will tell you next:

This installation is the easiest because Skype  is bundled ‘in the official Linux Mint 19 software’, so to install it you just need to click on the  Software Manager.  In the box that appears, place Skype and click on the stamp and then on Install Skype. Visualize that the progress bar is completely full, which will indicate that Skype is already installed on the computer. However, it is important that you keep in mind that you must have a hard drive storage space of 290 MB for the installation to complete perfectly.

How to know if Skype is installed safely on Linux for Debian, Ubuntu and Mint?

To find out if Skype was installed safely on Linux for Debian, Ubuntu and Mint, just proceed to search for it by placing ‘twe’ in the search engine . Next, it will direct you to the Applications panel; then to the icon, which you must click in order to see that the installation did run correctly.

Why Installing Skype on Linux for Other Software May Fail and How to Fix It?

You may not be able to install Skype for Other Software because there is a dependency issue with some kind of boot , or something else going on with the software center. So, to fix the installation error, we only have to carry out the following procedure, which we will specify in detail below:

  1. We put the word Clear at the end, then enter to delete everything, after the word Download we must place the command ‘sudo apt-get install -f ‘and click enter.
  2. You will see a series of programs that gives you the dependencies to run the installation, in the final part you are asked: Do you want to continue? (y/n). The S for yes and the N for no, let’s put the Sand you will see how in seconds the dependencies that were needed for the installation to run are installed.
  3. When finished, we just have to put the word clear at the end, next to Download, then put the command ‘ sudo dpkg -I tweak.deb’next to Download.
  4. Proceed to click it, and you will see that it finds what is needed to be installed, look for it by placing ‘twe’ in the search engine.
  5. The icon will appear in Applications, proceed to click on it and you will be able to see that the installation was executed correctly.