How to pause an Instagram story

The Instagram social network has totally revolutionized its environment with bold and innovative features. Stories are one of them, and although they weren’t very popular at first, they are currently used by millions of users all over the world. In fact, stories have become as relevant as posts and integrate filters , GIFs , music , and even interactive stickers .

And with the growing number of users who use this platform to share their content, surely you do not want to miss out on those stories that most attract your attention. To enjoy them well, you may need to pause it and take a closer look; In this article we show you how to do it.

I need to pause an Instagram story, how to do it? – Complete Guide

Index( )

  1. How to pause an Instagram story easily
  2. How necessary is it to pause Instagram Stories?
  3. Why won’t my Instagram story pause?

How to pause an Instagram story easily

Pausing a story is very simple, but it can also become tedious. If you touch the right side of the screen, you will jump to the next story; on the contrary, if you touch the left side, you will return to the previous story. To be able to pause it, you have to touch the screen and hold the touch .

As soon as you remove your finger from the screen, the stories will continue to scroll normally. This, while effective, can also be uncomfortable at times; That’s why there is another option to pause an Instagram story without having to keep touching the screen. There is a trick that allows you to stop the passage of history and consists of sliding up .

It is not the most practical method, since it covers half of the screen with the keyboard , but it does not require you to hold the touch on the screen, so it could be useful on certain occasions. So far, the controls within the stories are pretty limited and those are the only options available.

However, in some stories you will be able to have a third alternative, the tags. These are displayed as a username preceded by ‘@’. Tap on them and the story will pause until you tap the screen again. A simple but very effective trick for stories with tagged users.

And finally, another trick that, although it seems somewhat far-fetched, can help you: the list of applications . On both Android and iOS, you can access the list of mobile applications, retaining a paused thumbnail of the story you were viewing within the Instagram application.

With practice, you will gradually improve until you are an expert at pausing stories without hindering your view of them. But in case following you is too tedious, you can use the desktop version of Instagram , which has a more comfortable interface to pause the stories with the press of a button.

How necessary is it to pause Instagram Stories?

You may be one of those people with a very quick eye that can see all the details of a story in a couple of seconds; Or maybe, like most people, the speed with which the stories go by is too fast for you and you cannot visualize it well without pausing it .

Some stories are simple and do not require much attention or analysis. But others demand a dedicated look that can only be given by pausing the story transition. This is why pausing stories is so necessary, which is a skill in itself due to the controls in the app.

Why won’t my Instagram story pause?

The application interface may fail on certain occasions, slowing down the performance of the cell phone and blocking the pause for a few seconds. It can also happen due to a touch screen issue . In any case, it is not a serious problem, going back to the home screen or the list of applications and then returning to the application will fix it.

And if for some reason you can’t do that and you miss the story you were interested in seeing, you just have to touch the left side of the screen to go back and watch the previous stories again. Before long, you’ll see how easy it is to pause and scroll between Instagram stories.