How to password protect access to the Instagram app?

If you are one of those who lend your mobile phone to other people, you are exposing yourself more than other people to your privacy being violated. Especially when we refer to social networks, specifically Instagram. If you use this app a lot, it sure contains a lot of your information, so you should protect it in some way. For that reason, below we explain how to password protect access to the Instagram App .

How to Password Protect Access to the Instagram App

How to password protect access to the Instagram app?

IG works from a username and password. To enter the app, it is necessary to know these parameters. You can even set up two-step verification for Instagram . In this way, when you try to enter the app, you will first have to enter a code that the platform will send to the associated mobile. Thus, we would be in the presence of a double password when entering.

Although these security measures are good, they can be useless if a friend or family member has access to the mobile device , since they can access the app whenever they want. But, you can turn to third-party applications to protect your account from the sight of intruders. In this post we will recommend the two most popular apps that will help you keep Instagram safe and protected from intruders.


It is an app designed to lock applications with a password on your Android device . With AppLock you can block Instagram, preventing third parties from viewing the content of your account. Using this app will help you prevent access to any application on your device if it is lost or stolen.

This application is easy to use and contains 9 lock functions. For example, you can request a password, pattern, or fingerprint every time you access Instagram. When multiple unsuccessful attempts to unlock the app occur, App Lock captures a photo of the intruder. This will allow you to see who has been snooping on your phone.

Norton App Lock

With this app you can set a pattern, a four-number PIN or an alphanumeric password to protect the Instagram app. Thus, only you will have access to your account without the fear that other people will see your social network.

With Norton App Lok you can block other applications, such as email, calendar, camera, contacts, documents, among others. One of the advantages of this app is that it tells you which applications on your device are most vulnerable and recommends blocking them to protect their content. It should be noted that this same company has released an application aimed at caring for children while they browse the Internet. That way, parents can check what their children see on the web, track their location and even block adult pages on their children’s mobile .

These are the 2 most recommended applications to prevent other people from accessing your Instagram app without your authorization. Keep in mind that these apps can block any application on your mobile, which can certainly help you protect your privacy.

Tips to protect access to the Instagram app

  • Create strong passwords . After a while, try to change your current account password to a new one . To create secure keys, we recommend using numbers, letters, and signs.
  • Activate two-step verification.
  • Don’t accept people you don’t know into your account.
  • Don’t open suspicious or unknown notifications.
  • Block access to the Instagram application, using apps that allow you to protect your Instagram application (AppLock and Norton App Lock).
  • Keep your account private, in this way you will prevent anyone on the Internet from seeing your publications.
  • Never reveal your password .
  • Block suspicious followers.
  • If you use your Instagram account on a device that you do not use regularly, remember to log out after using it.
  • Install Instagram and other applications from official stores , such as Google Play and App Store.

Your Instagram account is private and personal, since you may have confidential information (photos, videos or advertising) for outsiders; Avoid falling victim to unscrupulous people by implementing these suggestions.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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