How to organize a party perfect? Surely on more than one occasion you have asked yourself this question. Well, now at Christmas you have the ideal excuse to have a party at home. We are in a few days when celebrations are piling up on our agenda, so asking your friends that you are going to organize a home party may sound very attractive, since it is usual to hold this type of meeting in restaurants.

As for the organization, don’t worry, because in today’s post we are going to give you some tricks to turn a gathering of friends into the perfect party. So much so, that all your guests will not want to leave your home. You dare?

What do you need?

In any party worth its salt, you should not miss certain essentials. Whether it is a meeting with friends, co-workers or even family, there are some tips that should be followed. These are:


It is the basic rule of any host to offer something to drink to his guests. And if they are friends, even more so. To do this, before the party, make sure you have drinks for all kinds of tastes in your fridge. As the star drink of parties among friends we find beers and wine. However, not everyone drinks alcohol . And of course, you also have to think about them. The usual alternative is to offer juices of various types and soft drinks, with or without gas.

And for later in the party, you can start the round of drinks and cocktails. To do this, check your bar cabinet and have a varied selection of alcoholic beverages and spirits prepared.


But throwing a party is much more than thinking about the drink. You also have to offer some snacking. Starting with a selection of appetizers can be a good option at the beginning of the evening, while all the guests arrive. Some plates with potatoes, nuts and olives can serve as an example to receive your friends.

Then, when they are all done, start to take out the canapés, which may well be hot and cold. And of course, there are some dishes that are always very well received. We are referring to the classic potato omelette and a good Galician empanada.


Decoration also plays a fundamental role in making your party a success. It is best to remove any furniture that is an obstacle that makes it difficult for guests to interact with each other. Therefore, outside the coffee tables, chairs or armchairs that are in the middle of the room.

And taking advantage of the fact that we are at Christmas, do not hesitate to use your Christmas decoration to decorate the food table, put a motif on the walls and even have small props prepared that will serve to liven up the party.

Everything to recycle

A good host has to treat his guests as they deserve and also be aware that there is always food and drink available. And all this, without a doubt, is a great job. Therefore, to facilitate the subsequent garbage collection, it is best to use cardboard cups and plates; and paper tablecloths and napkins. In this way, it will be enough for you to throw everything away. Of course, making sure that all waste is separated as the proper recycling standards require. And it is that nothing should serve as an excuse for not fulfilling our obligation to the Planet.


In any party worth its salt, music plays a fundamental role. As for music for parties, the normal thing is to put well-known and animated songs, so that people stay active. Regarding styles, our advice is that you choose songs with varied rhythms, so that everyone likes it. And if you still have questions about what type of music to choose, here is a post where we recommend some criteria that you can follow when choosing the best music for your party.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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