How to open raw files online

A friend of yours sent you an image in raw format and you do not want to download special programs to see it and you are wondering if there is the possibility to open raw files online? Of course yes! Or rather, there are web services that allow you to convert the raw file into other formats (for example jpg) that can be read by any computer without the need for special software. The raw format can be imagined as a “raw” format of a file, not yet encoded in the final format, so to speak it is the equivalent of the negative of traditional photographs on film; this has many advantages for editing but also requires special software for reading the file. However, it should be noted that there is no single and true RAW format; we must understand raw as a class of formats, in fact digital camera manufacturers have each developed their own proprietary formats.

In this short guide, without getting too lost in useless preambles, I will show you four completely free web services to open raw files via the web by converting it to jpg without the need to download and install programs on your computer.


  • Open raw files online
    • Convertio
    • I Love IMG
    • Zamzar
    • Online Converter Free

Open raw files online


Convertio is a web service that allows you to perform numerous format conversions and in our case also to convert the raw file into all readable formats (for example jpg. To be more precise Convertio allows you to convert the RAF format which is a format for storing uncompressed image which was created for use on Fuji cameras and belongs to the raw family.

To open raw files online and convert them with Convertio, just click on the word choose file and select the raw file to convert.

I Love IMG

I Love IMG is a great free web service to convert raw file to jpg. It actually allows you to convert other image formats as well (CR2, RW2, NEF, ARW, SR2, ORF, PEF, RAF). The peculiarity of this service is that it allows you to convert multiple raw files with a single click. To open raw files online and convert them with I Love IMG, just click on Select Images and select the raw images to convert.


Zamzar is a great free web service for converting images and videos. In the specific case, Zamzar allows us to convert the raw file into jpg, bmp, gif, png and others; unfortunately the free service allows you to make a limited number of conversions per day.

To open raw files online and convert them with Zamzar, just click on Add file and select the raw images to convert; then you will need to specify the target format.

Online Converter Free

Online converter Free is the last service I want to list for you to open raw files via the web. this site allows you to open raw and convert them to jpg or other formats; is able to convert raw files even from Google Drive or Dropbox. Its functioning is almost similar to those already seen; to open raw files online and convert them with Online Converter Free just click on the word Select file and select the raw images to convert; then you will need to specify the target format.

So, in conclusion, it is possible to open raw or better to convert images with raw format directly via the web without having to download any program through one of the services I have listed for you. If you want to open raw while keeping the format you will have to use a program to view the raw files .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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