How to open or create a file with a GITIGNORE extension in Windows?

Windows is a great operating system that has really great functions, such as the one that allows you to write HTML code in notes , just for one of those functions is today’s tutorial, so you can learn

People have the false belief that files with extensions other than the most used ones such as JPG or PNG, are usually difficult to create or require a process with super complicated steps that only a computer scientist could perform, but this is completely false and then you will see why.

Index(  )

  1. How to open or create a file with a GITIGNORE extension?
  2. Create a GITIGNORE file!

How to open or create a file with a GITIGNORE extension?

To get straight to the point and quickly learn how to open or create a file with the GITIGNORE extension , the first thing you should take into consideration is that for the purposes of this tutorial you will be taught separately how to open and how to create files with this extension.

This is because although they are extremely short processes, it is better to divide them so that you do not get confused. Now, to begin you will see how to open your file with a GITIGNORE extension. This is achieved by going to any program that allows you to read plain text.

Since the files with this type of extension are really text files and nothing else, which can be opened even with the Windows notepad. In the event that you don’t know how to open the notepad , all you have to do is the following:

Go to the file you want to open and right click on it, that will display a list of options, stand on the one called “Open with” , with this action again more options will appear, choose “Notepad”, that will open automatically your text.

In the event that you don’t want to use the notepad, you can download from the Store, a different application such as Notepad + +, which will serve the same purpose as the common notepad.

However, if you want to edit your file in a professional way, then it is recommended to install ATOM on your PC, as it contains many functions that allow you to manipulate GITIGNORE files.

Create a GITIGNORE file!

With the above, the first part of the question, how to open or create a file with a GITIGNORE extension, has already been answered, so to finish with this guide, now you will be taught the easiest way to create this type of file.

The first thing you have to do is go to your notepad in Windows, you do that by going to the start and placing notepad in the search bar, once the application comes out you just have to press it and that’s it.

Being inside you must enter the content of the file (that is up to you), when you finish click on the option that is called “Save as”, this will cause a save box to appear, there choose the destination folder and place the name your file as .gitignore.

Finally, simply change the file type to “All files” and voila, that will be all done, so you can now say that you know how to open or create a file with the GITIGNORE extension, so you have nothing else to do here.

However, before leaving, it is recommended that you continue to search for information regarding this topic, since although it is not complicated, it is good that you practice and obtain more knowledge to be able to create the files in an increasingly simple way.

At the same time, it would not be bad for you to complement this information by searching for articles such as: How to replace the Windows 10 notepad text editor ?, or how to highlight text in a notepad?


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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