How to open, edit and convert EDRW files

Discover how to easily open, edit, and convert EDRW files to maximize your productivity. This comprehensive guide offers step-by-step instructions and expert tips.

How to open, edit and convert EDRW files.

EDRW files are a specific type of file associated with SolidWorks, a popular computer-aided design (CAD) program. They are essentially drawing files used for creating designs in SolidWorks. Here’s how you can open, edit, and potentially convert them, especially into a tabular format:

1. Opening EDRW Files

  • Use SolidWorks: The most straightforward way to open an EDRW file is by using SolidWorks itself, as it’s the native program for these files.
  • Other CAD Programs: Some other CAD software might be able to open EDRW files, but compatibility is not guaranteed.

2. Editing EDRW Files

  • SolidWorks Editing: Once you open the EDRW file in SolidWorks, you can edit it as you would any other drawing file within the program.
  • Converting to Editable Formats: If you don’t have SolidWorks, you might need to convert the EDRW file to a more commonly used format (like DWG or DXF) using a file converter.

3. Converting to Tabular Format

  • Exporting Data: SolidWorks can export the data within a drawing to various formats. If you’re looking to create a table (like in Excel), you might want to export parts lists or BOM (Bill of Materials) data.
  • Using Conversion Tools: There are third-party tools available that can convert CAD drawings to different formats, including CSV or Excel, which are ideal for tabular data.
  • Manual Transcription: In some cases, you might need to manually transcribe the data into a tabular format if automated conversion doesn’t meet your needs.

4. Additional Considerations

  • Compatibility and Accuracy: Always check the compatibility of the software and the accuracy of the conversion, especially when dealing with complex CAD drawings.
  • Software Trials: If you don’t have SolidWorks, consider using a trial version to open and export your file.

5. Alternative Methods

  • Online Converters: There are online services that can convert EDRW files to more common formats, though their effectiveness can vary.
  • CAD Professionals’ Help: If you’re having trouble, you might want to consult a CAD professional who has access to the necessary software.

6. Legal and Licensing Considerations

  • Software Licensing: Ensure that you have the appropriate licenses for any software you use.
  • Confidentiality: Be cautious when using online tools, especially with confidential or sensitive designs.

Keep in mind that while EDRW files are specific to SolidWorks, the general approach to opening, editing, and converting them requires access to CAD software or conversion tools, and the process might require a bit of trial and error to find the best method for your specific needs.

How to convert an EDRW file

By downloading the eDrawings Viewer application from the SolidWorks link above, you can save the EDRW file to BMP , TIF , JPG , PNG , GIF, and HTM .

The same program can convert the EDRW file into an EXE file (or even a zip with the EXE automatically saved) so that it can be opened on a computer that did not have the eDrawings software installed.

You can also convert EDRW to PDF using a tool called a “PDF printer”. See how to print to PDF to learn more.

We are not aware of any file converters that can convert EDRW to DWG or DXF , which are two other CAD file formats. Even with a conversion tool that makes it possible to get the EDRW file in one of the formats, you can only view the 3D image, not edit it, since it is actually just a reading format.

EDRW files are a popular file format used in the engineering and architectural fields. However, many individuals struggle with opening, editing, and converting these files due to their unique characteristics. In this article, we will guide you through the process of handling EDRW files, providing you with the necessary knowledge and tools to work with them efficiently.

by Abdullah Sam
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