How to open an .EXE file using Wine Chromebook

When we talk about .EXE files , we are referring to applications, for example, that can only be executed on Windows operating systems. So, it is directly impossible to download and run such a file on computers with an operating system other than Windows, such as MacOS or Chrome OS.

However, although it cannot be done directly, it is possible to do it on a computer with a system other than Windows, and in this case we will show you on a Chromebook. In that regard we will explain how to open an .EXE file using Wine Chromebook and how to install this program on your laptop.

How to Open an .EXE File Using Wine Chromebook – Developer Mode

Index( )

  1. Is using Wine really your best option for opening .EXE files?
  2. This is how to properly install Wine on your Chromebook
  3. Is it better to have Windows installed on your Chromebook when opening these types of files?

Is using Wine really your best option for opening .EXE files?

The answer is clearly very simple and positive for this question; Many people consider Wine to be the best option we have for opening .EXE files on Chrome OS computers .

We say this because, according to its own developers, Wine is a program that gives you the necessary compatibility to use Windows applications or open files on other systems. Until now, and since its creation in 1993, Wine is the most recommended option to do this type of work without having to change the system.

This is how to properly install Wine on your Chromebook

You should know that this process, for many who are not used to or do not know about these installation issues, turns out to be a bit tedious or long. However, here we will give you all the details that you must take into account to be able to install the program .

Firstly, go to the ‘Start’ of your Chromebook to access ‘Settings’ , then confirm that the terminal is activated from the ‘Linux’ section. That is to be able to search, among the applications, we will see the option of the terminal in which you must enter to begin the installation process.

There in the terminal, put the 32-bit architecture using sudo ‘dpkg –add-architecture i386’ to add it to the system. It is necessary at this point to download the key that Wine provides for its installation by placing the link in the terminal, and adding ‘sudo apt-key add winehq.key’ to the same system.

To save what you are ahead of the process, combine ‘Ctrl + O’; and now put the key that Ubuntu needs ‘sudo apt-key adv – keyserver – recv-keys DFA175A75104960E’. In this step, you can update the system by placing ‘sudo apt update’ in the terminal to install Wine.

To start with the installation enter the command ‘sudo apt install – install-recommends winehq-stable’ to be able to configure the program. But first, necessary and required information for the installation will appear on the screen, which you must confirm by clicking on the ‘Install’ option.

Now yes, you will have the options to make a configuration from the tabs for the graphics, the units, among other main ones that you will see. At this point you can download the file to be able to run  and to save among the others, by copying and pasting it in ‘Linux Files’.

To finish the installation, copy the ‘wine file.exe’ file into the terminal and press ‘Enter’ to start the installation wizard. You finish everything by making certain settings that are warranted in the program and so you can start opening your .EXE files on your Chromebook.

Is it better to have Windows installed on your Chromebook when opening these types of files?

Please note that several Chromebook models are not compatible with the operating system provided by Windows. For that, inside the bottom layer of the Chromebook, remove a screw that is protecting the motherboard of the computer, in order to update the ROM memory system.

So, you will lose the Chrome OS system and whatever you have stored on it, if that doesn’t matter to you and you have a copy of the files, do so if you wish. In case you don’t want to risk making all those changes, then the best thing to do is to open only the .EXE files, easily install the Wine program on your computer .