Those who intend to start a new business might think about how to open a “ Acqua e Sapone ” shop .

A franchise shop for personal and home care products.

We therefore speak of having the opportunity to specialize in the sale of detergents, make-up, bathroom products. In addition to body and face creams and much more.

With the advantage of offering these items at truly competitive prices on the market.

Below, we will suggest information and advice on how to open a “Acqua e Sapone” shop . And considering franchising as a potential opportunity.



Starting a business of this type could be a really interesting turning point to fulfill your desire to become an entrepreneur. And to make your own dream come true.

Opening a “Acqua e Sapone” shop allows you to market and specialize in the sale of basic necessities. Here is a business idea not to be underestimated!

Its realization would mean analyzing and understanding the needs of the market and trying to satisfy them.

But beware: starting a franchise, like opening “Acqua e Sapone”, also means offering high quality products at very competitive prices.

It is about presenting consumers with a portfolio of commercial references from major brands.

And, also, natural products, cruelty free , eco-sustainable and absolutely “green”, at very advantageous prices.

This strategic formula determines success for those who decide to open “Acqua e Sapone”.

This activity – among other things – attracts the interest of many women and mothers in search of professional autonomy. A career change, economic independence.

It is a valid response to the need to reconcile professional life with family life, with the care of the home and of one’s children.

Having made the necessary premise, the time has come to delve into the details and explain how to open a “Acqua e Sapone” shop .



To start a business of this type, although it is easy and there are no particular constraints, it is true that there are requirements to be met. And which are essential for the brand.



  • Measures : the first point to be satisfied concerns the size of the room that will host the activity. It must be a structure of at least 100/150 meters. Smaller sizes will not be taken into consideration.
  • Location and location of the store : from the market analyzes appropriately conducted, the location of the premises will also be decisive for opening “ Acqua e Sapone”. In fact, it is good strategic advice that it is located in the city center. Or in a shopping center, strategic points that already alone attract the presence of many consumers.


  • Opening “Acqua e Sapone” also means embracing the rule of ” few but good ” in reference to the selection of the right staff. The resources to be included in the staff will be carefully selected, in a not excessive number. Furthermore, the company philosophy foresees that the customer moves in total freedom within the premises, without receiving pressure from the employees who will instead have to be supportive if he is just called into question.

Obviously, the launch of this franchising store also requires the simultaneous satisfaction of precise economic requirements.

The general indications on how to open “Acqua e Sapone”, therefore, must be integrated with those more closely related to expenses and monetary expenses.

In order to maintain the right balance between revenues and costs.

  • Rent: it will be necessary to take into consideration the expenses deriving from the rent of the premises which the more central it will be, the more expensive it will be.
  • For the sake of accuracy, anyone who wants to open “Acqua e Sapone” must know that, in this process, they will be followed by specialists in the sector who will accompany the customer in choosing a suitable structure with respect to the required requirements.
  • Therefore, a medium / high monthly expense must be budgeted, in any case compared to the prices of the relevant Municipality.
  • Expenses for the brand: to be considered more as an investment, to open “Acqua e Sapone”, it will also be necessary to consider the expenses related to the brand.
  • Being a franchise, expert professionals will create – specifically for the new manager – a precise and targeted marketing strategy in conjunction with the business plan.
  • This is a service and this advice has a cost that affects the pockets of the new entrepreneur.


If on the one hand we have analyzed the costs to be evaluated to open a “Acqua e Sapone” shop, on the other hand it is also right to underline the possibility of saving which, in the long term, becomes more and more concrete.

  • No to searching for suppliers: no expenses related to the search for suppliers, as this aspect will be dealt with directly by the company that will guide the customer in choosing the best alternative of supply services.
  • Advertising: saving on advertising means setting aside a large chunk of savings. And, in this, opening “Acqua e Sapone” means not having problems with material and propaganda. As the company itself provides this service. And thanks to the prior implementation of sponsorships both locally and nationally.


Below, we list the references to consider if you want to open “Acqua e Sapone”, shown in detail.

  • Official site: by connecting to , from the drop-down menu it will be possible to select the “Points of Sale” category and then the reference province in which you intend to open “Acqua e Sapone”, and then proceed to send the request which must be filled in with your personal data and accompanied by your curriculum vitae.

Once submitted, the request will be evaluated by the competent person and, if deemed suitable, the candidate will be contacted and assisted in handling the paperwork.



How to open a “Acqua e Sapone” shop?

At this point, a preventive cost assessment is required, linked to the consideration of the services received.

The result is that a franchise leads to a higher investment than a self-employed business.

We have focused our attention on the expenses related to the venue, the staff and the brand. Therefore it can be well deduced that the satisfaction of the above requirements leads to a considerable cost.

Therefore, the advice is to evaluate the various aspects well. And to program, specifically, a work plan including costs. So you can get an idea of ​​what the final investment might be.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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