How to move several applications at the same time | IPhone Tips

Learning how to move several applications at the same time when you have a mobile or Tablet with iOs , you know it will be very helpful.

How to Move Multiple Applications at the Same Time | IPhone Tips

Fully customizing your iPhone is sometimes laborious, but necessary in many ways. From time to time you need to apply new changes or perspectives to make the content on your phone better.

If you’ve ever tried to make massive changes to your home screen, you know how tedious it can be to drag apps one by one, in and out of folders, all over your iPhone it can take you anywhere on your desktop.

It no longer has to be this way . iOS has an easy way to move all the home screen apps you need in one go, saving you time and patience.

This home screen gesture was introduced in iOS 11, but it will continue to work the same way on iOS 13 and above .

This feature is very useful when you want to rearrange all your applications. If you’ve been casually installing apps without taking the time to put them on the correct page or place them in the appropriate folder, now is the time to sort them all.

How to move multiple apps on iPhone and iPad

Here’s how you can move multiple apps on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad at the same time .


  • Press the Home button to get to the home screen.
  • Long press any app to enter standard iOS icon move mode . In my example, I tapped and held the Facebook tap. Now move your finger slightly in any direction until the “x” in the upper left corner of the application disappears, as shown in the following screenshot.
  • Without releasing your finger, touch each app you want to move along with the selected app.
  • You’ll see apps are instantly added to your bundle when you tap them, with the updated badge indicating the number of apps in the bundle.
  • You can drag the package like you would any other application and even move it between different pages to add additional applications as you go.
  • Drag the package to a new position, and then release it.
  • I will move my package to the left side of the iBooks application because that is where I would like to move my applications. When you release your finger, all the apps in the pack move to the desired position.
  • Press the home button again to exit icon move mode.

How it works with folders

But let’s say you have some folders that you need to rearrange . Well first, this two-finger gesture works the same for picking up and moving folders.

This means that you can touch any folder or folders to batch select them, even when you have already selected the icons.

Or, you can start with a folder and then select the icons .


How to put multiple apps in folders on iPhone and iPad

You also have the option of moving several applications at the same time in folders , for this you must do the following:

  • Press the Home button to get to the home screen.
  • Press and hold any application to enter shake mode, then move your finger slightly so that the “x” in the upper left corner of the application icon disappears.
  • Without releasing your finger, touch a folder where you would like to put the selected applications.
  • The touched folder opens. Move the package within the folder overlay and then release your finger to drop all the selected apps into the folder at once.
  • To cancel the action, move the package out of the folder overlay and release your finger.
  • Press the Home button again to exit shake mode.

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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