How to move files from disk C to D in Windows easily and quickly

As we begin to use a personal computer we think that the space in the units is sufficient. But over time we do not fill with programs and files, running out of space especially in drive C. This does not generate a very serious storage problem and we have a question about how to move files from disk C to D in Windows easily and fast.

This can be a viable solution, since we have other units where we have enough space to save files. Since when drive C has filled up, the first options add unallocated space. But this will only work if you really have unallocated space otherwise you will have to transfer the files to drive D.

Windows offers us different options that we may or may not use and one of them is to move files that are linked to the operating system. Since these must be together, but if you can move files of the type third-party programs. These can be Facebook, installed games, Photoshop, etc. files of videos, movies, photos, images, documents, etc.

To move files from disk C to disk D in Windows, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open File Explorer: This can be done by clicking on the folder icon on your taskbar or pressing the Windows key + E.
  2. Navigate to the Files: Go to the C: drive, and find the files or folders you want to move.
  3. Select the Files: Click on the files or folders you want to move. To select multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key and click on each item.
  4. Cut the Files: Right-click on the selected files/folders, and choose “Cut” from the context menu. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + X.
  5. Navigate to the Destination: Go to your D: drive by clicking on it in the left-hand pane of File Explorer.
  6. Paste the Files: Right-click in the destination folder (or any empty space if you’re moving to the root of the D: drive) and select “Paste.” Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + V.
  7. Verify the Transfer: Once the files/folders have been moved, check the destination to ensure everything has been transferred correctly.

Remember, moving files will remove them from the original location (C: drive) and place them in the new location (D: drive). If you want to keep a copy in the original location, use “Copy” (Ctrl + C) instead of “Cut” (Ctrl + X), and then “Paste” (Ctrl + V) in the new location.

How to move files from disk C to D in Windows easily and quickly.

As we said before, Windows allows us to perform various operations, but we must be very careful, since we can seriously compromise its operation. Backup copies are required before performing these processes. Although we can also easily  format a hard drive using the command prompt.

The steps that we will indicate here work perfectly for the versions of Windows 7, 8 and 10 . And we will use three different methods to transfer files from disk C to D in Windows easily and quickly that will work according to your case. They will also serve you, not only to move it from drive C to D, you can do it to an external hard drive .

Three methods to move files from disk C to disk D in Windows

The first method we are going to use is to move the files by dragging it to the other drive and then dropping them. To do this, open Windows Explorer and look for the file you want to move, then you select it and you must right-click and in the menu you choose the option to cut or copy. Now the next step is to go directly to drive D and paste the file.

This first method is recommended for document or multimedia files , you should not pass programs file in this way.

The second method that we are going to apply is through a program called AOMEI Backupper Standard. Once you have downloaded and installed it on your PC, you run it and you must click on the Backup option and then on File Synchronization.

The next step is to click on the Add folder option, with this you will find the file you want to move from drive C, and then choose drive D as the destination path. The next step is to click Start synchronization . And voila, the file will have been transferred to the other unit without any problem.

Now we will know the third and last method that consists of using the Command Prompt, for this we are going to use the keyboard shortcuts . We are going to press Windows + R keys, this action will open the Run bar. Here we must enter the following cmd command and then press the Enter key, now type the command copyc: \ workfile.tex d:

This will copy in the root directory of drive C to the From the file workfile.txt and voila this action should transfer the file to drive D. You may realize that this procedure is not very simple, if it is programs it is It is preferable to use the AOMEI Backupper tool and if it is about personal files the best option is to copy and paste.

And so in this way we have reached the end of this interesting tutorial, which once again showed you how easy it is to make changes in Windows. And now you have a new knowledge on how to move files from disk C to disk D in Windows easily and quickly.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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