How to mention other channels in YouTube title or description

YouTube allows its users to tag other creators or channels in video titles and descriptions; If you want to use this feature on your channel but don’t know how to do it, this tutorial will teach you how to mention other channels in the YouTube title or description .

How to mention other channels in YouTube title or description

When you mention another creator in the title or description of the videos you upload to YouTube, their name will have a link to their channel; This aims to highlight their collaboration and show your appreciation, in addition, the followers of your channel will be able to visit and know the channel of the person you tagged.

The creator who was tagged in the title or description of a video will receive a notification indicating that he was mentioned in a channel; Likewise, if your channel was mentioned with @ in YouTube stories, in the titles and descriptions of a video or in community publications, you will receive a notification.

Mentioning another creator in the title or description of a video is very simple, the first thing you have to do is write the @ symbol immediately followed by the name of the channel (without leaving a space between the @ symbol and the name of the channel),

For example, funniest animals in the world with @Victork or @criticosebas giving his opinion of the series the invincible. It is important that you place the @ before the name otherwise the mention will not be valid.

Second after typing the @ and the name of the channel, YouTube will show you a list with several names or only the name of the creator, select the name of the channel you want to tag.

If the name of the channel you are looking for does not appear, it is possible that it does not have 1000 subscribers, since this function is only available to those users who have at least 1000 subscribers on their channel , otherwise you will not be able to make or receive mentions.

In order to use this YouTube function, you must bear in mind two fundamental aspects, first it is only available for the Creator Studio version ; you cannot use it in the YouTube Studio Classic version; second, your channel and the creator’s must have 1000 subscribers, (you can see the number of subscribers your channel has).

Some overlook using this function because they do not see it useful but it really is a great marketing tool because it helps increase channel visits and increase subscriptions, it allows to bring more YouTube users.

Tips for creating perfect YouTube titles and descriptions

It is not enough just to create successful videos, an attractive title and description will motivate users to play the video , it can even encourage them to subscribe and view more content; it will also help you to achieve a better position in the YouTube search results. These are some tips that you should apply:

  • Titles
  1. Identify what type of users you want to direct the video to, this is important because the title must contain keywords that allow YouTube to classify and position them, that way users interested in that topic will be able to find your video easily.
  2. Tag the video collaborators, this will help you increase the visits and subscriptions of your channel as well as that of your collaborator.
  3. Never write titles with words like me, my, us.
  4. The title must have a maximum of 60 characters .
  5. Write titles that call to action.
  • Description
  1. Write a few keywords ; This will allow you to classify the content of your videos.
  2. Do not write very short descriptions, you can write between 200 and 300 words that indicate to the user what they will find in that video.
  1. Use key words at the beginning of the text, don’t digress.
  2. The description must be 100% original , never make the mistake of copying yourself from other users.
  3. Avoid placing links or mentions at the beginning of the text, it is advisable to use these tools in the middle or at the end of the text. If you want you can change the titles and descriptions of your previous videos .

When you use the @mention on YouTube it is no longer necessary to insert links in the description just by clicking on said mention, users will be quickly redirected to the creator’s channel; It is very simple, go ahead and use this tool from today