How to measure complete distances and area in Google Earth?

Learn how to measure complete distances and areas in Google Earth with these easy-to-follow steps. Find out how to use the measurement tools and improve your overall Google Earth experience.

Between Google Earth and Google Maps you can find almost anything you want to see and know from the comfort of your home and through your computer . One of the updates presented by the first was the possibility of knowing distances. However, now you can be more specific in your search and measure distances and complete areas in Google Earth.

How to Measure Complete Distances and Area in Google Earth

Measuring distances and areas in Google Earth can be a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to do it:

  1. Open Google Earth: Start by launching Google Earth on your computer.
  2. Select the Measure Tool:
    • Look for a ruler icon in the toolbar. This is the Measure Tool.
    • Click on it to activate the measuring functionality.
  3. Measuring Distance:
    • To measure a straight line distance, click on your starting point on the map.
    • Move your cursor to the endpoint and click again.
    • The distance between these two points will be displayed in a box, usually at the bottom of the screen.
    • You can continue clicking to measure a multi-segment path, with the total distance being updated accordingly.
  4. Measuring Area:
    • For measuring an area, start by activating the Measure Tool.
    • Click to mark the vertices of the area you want to measure. As you click around the perimeter of the area, Google Earth automatically creates a polygon.
    • Once you complete the polygon by clicking on the first vertex again, Google Earth will display the total area within that polygon.
    • The area is usually shown in square meters or square kilometers, depending on the size of the area.
  5. Changing Measurement Units:
    • Google Earth allows you to change the units of measurement.
    • In the box where the distance or area is displayed, you can often select different units (like miles, kilometers, feet, meters, acres, etc.).
  6. Recording or Saving Measurements:
    • If you need to save your measurements, you can write them down manually.
    • Alternatively, take a screenshot of the map with the measurements displayed.
  7. Clearing Measurements:
    • To clear your measurement and start over, simply click the ‘Clear’ button in the measurement box or deactivate the Measure Tool.

This method works well for most versions of Google Earth, including Google Earth Pro. However, the exact steps and layout might slightly vary depending on the version or update of the software you are using.

This tool to measure distances and complete areas in Google Earth , is of course available for the Chrome search engine. Also, for operating systems like iOS and Android, however, it is not available in the Firefox browser .

Measure the distance from your computer

  • Enter Google Earth through your Google account. Look for the icon that looks like a ruler near the bottom of the toolbar on the left of the screen. Clicking on it will open a new menu .
  • Find the area you want to measure or select a location directly from the globe. Now, hit “Measure” on the left side to switch to a top view of the area in question.

Proceed to place your starting point on the surface or place where you want to start measuring distances and complete areas in Google Earth.

You can remove a point in the “Undo” option and to complete the measurement line, double click on that last marking. To measure the complete area itself until you manage to enclose the said area, in the previous box, this new measurement should now appear.

  • Move the cursor the distance you want and in the direction you want so that you can see how the line marks the route you are creating.
  • Then, when you finish and place your last point, a box will appear with the distance of those points in different measurement systems.

Measure the distance with your phones

To measure distances and complete areas in Google Earth with phones, the steps are not so different from the previous ones . Discover how you can do this in each operating system below: While on your mobile, open the Google Earth application and also select the place within the globe.

Then, select “Measure” and go adding points with “Add a point” while moving the map. Press “Done” once you are done and at the bottom will be the measurement.

Google Earth provides a powerful platform for exploring and understanding our world. By utilizing the measurement tools available, you can accurately determine distances and areas with ease. Whether you’re planning a hike, conducting research, or satisfying your curiosity, being able to measure distances and areas in Google Earth will enhance your overall experience. So, start exploring and measuring today

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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