Learn powerful techniques on how to manipulate a man to be obsessed with you. Discover the secrets to captivate his heart and make him irresistibly drawn to you.
If it seems to you that your sweetheart doesn’t miss you at all and completely forgets about your existence right after the date – there is no point in worrying. We know how to make him think about you constantly. And miss you while waiting for the meeting.
How to Manipulate A Man to Be Obsessed with You.
How to make a man think about you all the time? You won’t need any spells or love spells for this – just knowledge of psychology. We’ve collected 8 rules for you, following which you can settle in the thoughts of the guy you like. Ready? Let’s get started!
Rule number one: don’t impose yourself
It seems that the more you flash before a man’s eyes, the more he thinks about you. In fact, there is a much more effective method of how to make a man think about you. Of course, the easiest way is to bombard him with romantic messages, but the effect you will achieve with this will be the exact opposite: you need to work more subtly. So forget about frequent calls, text messages and constant spending time together. Let a man feel free and do not smother him with your love ahead of time. Do not be jealous of his friends. Every man needs to be able to escape for a day or two. Not to the left! But to go fishing, to the country with friends, to the bathhouse or just to his own world. Give him the opportunity to be alone with himself and miss you.
Rule number two: slow down the rapid development of the novel.
It’s hard, we know. But this is a surefire method that our great-great-great-great-grandmothers used: if you don’t give a man what he wants, he will start trying to get it. Or at least, he will think about the object of his desire all the time. Another thing is that today, in the 21st century, it is unlikely that you will be able to marinate him for six months, not allowing him anything more than an innocent kiss on the cheek. Well, actually, this is not necessary. All you need is to not agree to everything he wants right now. Sometimes he will change his mind, no big deal. Of course, this rule cannot serve as an answer to the question of how to make a stranger think about you, but with acquaintances the method will work. It has been tested.
Rule three: use technology wisely
The fact that we don’t recommend you bombard him with messages doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use modern technology at all: on the contrary, you can use it rarely, but to the point. Instead of sending him sad kittens and hearts in a messenger every 2 hours, write a message like: “I’m waiting for you on Skype on Wednesday night: it’s going to be hot!” Until Wednesday, he’ll be thinking about you and only you. Especially if today is Thursday. Another way to make him think about you is to show, not tell. Especially if there’s no opportunity to meet in the near future (for example, you or he is on vacation). Send him selfies, but of course, not in the spirit of “Me smiling from ear to ear in front of the Eiffel Tower.” Let it be something with a hint. Sexual, of course. Just be careful if your beloved is not free, because you can make a married man think about you with such hints, but at the same time you risk incurring the wrath of his wife. In such a situation, it is better not to leave unnecessary traces.
Rule number four: infiltrate the enemy’s camp
All means are good! The most effective way to make a man think about a woman is to have someone remind him of you. So, feel free to join his inner circle and become his own person there. Make friends with his friends and try to charm them. Even better, help them with something, for example, recommend his friend the best doctor in town. Or the best bar that few people know about (a bar is definitely more effective). The goal is simple: other people should remind him of you, and remind him in a positive way: what a cool girl, don’t miss her, bro!
Rule number five: don’t feed his ego
There is absolutely no need to constantly stroke his fur: if everything is smooth and even, a man has absolutely no reason to think about you. You are useful, convenient and reliable, like a washing machine. And who, I ask, thinks about their washing machine, even if it is also beautiful? Absolutely right, no one. Therefore, do not forget to give him sensitive flicks on the nose in time. Figuratively, of course. Do not get too carried away: after all, you are looking for a way to mentally make a man think about you, and do not intend to offend him to the depths of his soul so that he refuses to associate with you.
Rule number six: don’t try to be “different”
Before writing this article, we studied several online practices on the topic of “How to make a man think about you” and everywhere we came across the same advice: “Surprise him, be different!” And we think that this is bad, useless advice. Firstly, what does “not like everyone else” mean? All women are different anyway, what exactly should you not be? Secondly, this advice implies that you are “like everyone else”, and therefore he is bored with you. It seems a bit like an insult, don’t you think? And thirdly, this advice means that you need to immediately change and start behaving unpredictably. Yes, of course, this is how you can make a man think about you. But what exactly to think about — isn’t that important? In general, we think that this advice is useless and give the exact opposite: don’t try to impress him by pretending to be mysterious “different”. Otherwise, he will start thinking not about you, but about that “different one”. Don’t multiply entities (including your own).
Rule number seven: provoke
But you can and should provoke him. But it is better, of course, to play this game on the “bed” field: an unforgettable night in this case is your friend, but an unforgettable scandal is not a very smart move. Although he will certainly think about you. Obscene. It is unlikely that you wanted exactly this when you were looking for a way to make a guy think about you.
Rule number eight: don’t get hung up
In fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether he thinks about you when you’re not together. Because it will either happen naturally when he falls in love seriously, or it won’t happen at all – if that’s not your option. And if you feel that he’s really not your option, a man not worth marrying , or a misogynist , then don’t waste your efforts on him. So don’t even bother wondering how to make a male colleague think about you if you don’t see him as a lover, but just want to make sure of your attractiveness. Because what if he really does get attached – and then what will you do with him?