How to manage roles in Discord

Configuring the roles in discord is necessary to be able to maintain a certain order in the largest groups . If you are the owner of a community, you will realize that the more people it is more difficult to communicate.

Index( )

  1. What is the role of roles in Discord?
  2. What are the permissions that exist in a community?
    1. General Permits
    2. Membership permissions
  3. Procedure to configure roles correctly
    1. Create the roles
    2. Assign the roles
    3. Manage channel permissions
    4. Text channel permissions
    5. Voice channel permissions
    6. Add category permissions
  4. How to automatically assign roles in Discord?
    1. Using Dyno Bot
    2. With Mee6: Auto-Role

What is the role of roles in Discord?

Discord roles are intended to classify users in a group . In this way, administrators and moderators can perform actions according to the context of their role in a community.

When an administrator or moderator assigns a role in a community, they can do so to promote a user with moderation privileges to assist them, or to reward them for the content they share .

What are the permissions that exist in a community?

Administrators of a Discord server can assign different permissions to roles on a server. When starting a server, the basic role of all members is @everyone and only the administrator can assign new roles and manage permissions.

Permissions are specific to each role and can range from limiting user privileges to gaining full control of the server. Among the general permissions of a server we have:

General Permits

  • Manage the Channel
  • Manage channel permissions
  • Send messages
  • Read messages
  • View server authorship logs
  • Watch channels
  • Manage channels
  • Manage other roles
  • Manage emojis and stickers
  • Manage webhooks
  • Manage Server

Membership permissions

  • Create instant invitations
  • Change nickname
  • Manage nicknames
  • Kick members
  • Ban members

Procedure to configure roles correctly

If you are a Discord server or recently acquired administrator permissions in your community, then we will show you the correct way to manage roles.

Create the roles

To create a role you must enter the server configuration, for this click on the arrow next to the server name. Later you will see the server settings option .

In the list on the left side you will see different sections, then click on “Roles”. On this screen you will see the list of existing roles in the channel. To create a new one, click on the blue button above the list of roles that says “create Role”.

Then you can assign a name to the role, an associated color and determine its characteristics (such as allowing other people to mention this role using @mention). On this screen you can also test how the experience of this role is on the server.

In addition, in the permissions tab, you can assign them according to the type of role you want. Depending on your own role in the channel, you can freely manage this tab or have some limited categories such as advanced permissions.

Assign the roles

To assign a role we have two options . In the “Roles” tab in the server settings we will click on the role that we want to assign. Later we will click on the tab “Manage Members”, here we can see a button that says Add Members.

Another way is to go to the Members tab in the user management section and click on the “+” symbol to the right of the person to whom we want to assign the created role.

Manage channel permissions

There are so-called channel permissions, these are found by clicking on the gear symbol next to each channel. These permissions can also be managed in the permissions tab on the roles screen. The channel permissions are:

Text channel permissions

  • Send messages
  • Attach files
  • Add reactions
  • Use External emojis
  • Mention other roles
  • Manage messages
  • Read message history
  • Send text to speech messages
  • Use forward slash commands

Voice channel permissions

  • Connect to voice channels
  • Talk on voice channels
  • Share screen or stream a game from a video game
  • Word priority
  • Deafening limbs
  • Move members

In addition to these permissions, in the channel overview we can activate the paused mode . This will allow us to set a time that members will have to wait to send messages.

Add category permissions

When we change the permissions of a channel it may not be synchronized with the permissions at the level it belongs to. However, synced and unsynchronized channels can be in the same category unless we click the “sync now” button in the channel settings.

How to automatically assign roles in Discord?

This can only be done using bots or plugins external to the Discord platform. Among the two most common ways to do it we have the “DynoBot” moderation bot and the Mee6 plugin.

Using Dyno Bot

You can see the permissions of this bot in the integrations tab of server settings. If we enter the dashboard of this bot adding it from its page we will be able to find many moderation functions.

However, the “auto role” module is very useful as it allows adding or removing roles to members when they enter the server or after a certain amount of time has passed since they joined. Additionally, members can choose their own roles using the / Rank function.

With Mee6: Auto-Role

Mee6 is a plugin for discord users who find the use of bots and their configuration quite complicated. Its free version allows us to add it to the server so that it starts assigning roles automatically.

For this we must enable the plugin on its page. Then we must go to server settings – roles and place Mee6 above all the roles that we want to be automatic in the discord app.

After enabling it, we can write an automatically sent message that will assign a role to all users who react to it. This can be done with up to 2 roles simultaneously per message as long as we activate the “multiple roles” option on the page.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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