How to make your e-commerce truly sustainable

Ventures that operate entirely on the Internet, such as a sports betting house or an online education center, contribute to sustainability because they minimize the negative impact that traditional versions of these businesses would have. In the case of e-commerce stores , while they are more sustainable, the challenge is a bit more challenging. How to achieve an ecommerce that is truly sustainable?

The footprint of e-commerce

Despite operating online, e-commerce deals with shipping packages and making products, factors that contribute to leaving a footprint on the environment. When compared to a traditional business, e-commerce reduces the negative impact of carbon emissions by approximately 40 percent. This means that there is still a long way to go to achieve true sustainability.

Analysis to achieve sustainability

For an e-commerce store to achieve true sustainability, the entrepreneur must do an analysis of their own business. The things to keep in mind are these:

Web hosting

That a store operates online does not mean that electricity is not used. The servers that offer web hosting services are on 24/7. Therefore, it is essential to hire web hosting from companies that have become aware of the importance of caring for the environment and use, for example, renewable energy to supply their servers.

Elaboration of the products

No matter what your business does, look for products that are sustainable. Products made with recycled materials or maintaining respect for the environment in any of its stages are the best options. Throughout the process of making a product, more sustainable measures can be taken to reduce its negative impact. Choose suppliers that maintain sustainable practices.


The packaging in which you ship your products must also be sustainable. Avoid the use of plastics and choose alternatives that are recycled. In addition, you can take advantage of the packaging of your items to send sustainable messages to your customers. In this way, you also help raise awareness about caring for the environment.


Logistics is one of the main aspects of a business and the impact on the environment. Therefore, choose suppliers that are committed to sustainable practices. In the case of deliveries, standard shipping is always the most sustainable. There are many companies that prefer to begin delivery when they have a truckload of products than to give priority to priority shipments. Although e-commerce stores have a lower impact on the environment than traditional businesses, it is essential to analyze the footprint of each venture in order to take the necessary measures to reduce it. Web hosting, product development, packaging, and deliveries are a first step in making an ecommerce truly sustainable.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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