On Android smartphones, both with the original “phone” application from Google, and using a third-party dialer, such as Samsung Galaxy, you can turn on the sound of the caller so that the phone announces his name when there is an incoming call if it is in the contact list or the phone number when its absence in it.
Below, in detailed instructions for beginners on how to turn on the voice-over name of the caller – first on pure Android, and then on Samsung phones. On a related topic: How to turn on the flash when calling on Android .
- Enable caller sound on Android
- On Samsung Galaxy
- Video
How to enable caller sound on a pure Android system or any other with the latest versions of the Phone app from Google
All it takes for the phone to tell you who’s calling is not even the original and clean Android system, but using the original and updated Phone app from Google as the default calling app. The steps to enable will be as follows:
- In the “Phone” application, click on the menu button and go to the settings.
- Scroll down the list of settings and open the Subscriber ID Announcer item.
- Click on the item “Announcement of who is calling.”
- Specify whether to always voice who is calling or only when using a headset (headphones).
That’s all. If, on the contrary, you need to disable this function, just select the “Never” item.
Note: while writing this material, I came across the fact that the “Phone” application was not updated, and after the update through the Play Store, the function did not appear. The solution was to completely close the application and restart it.
How to have your Samsung phone tell who is ringing on a call
On Samsung Galaxy smartphones, the whole process of turning on the voice-over function is about the same:
- Open the “Phone” application, click on the menu button and go to “Settings”.
- Open the “Answering and ending calls” item.
- Enable the option “Speak the name of the subscriber”.