How to Make an Attendance List Sheet with Excel

A very necessary item in certain business departments is the attendance list . Where the arrival or departure of an employee is controlled. Likewise, it is very necessary to verify call center data. But you may need to do one and don’t know how to do it, for that reason today we will help you create your own attendance list with Excel in no time.

Is it very difficult to create an Excel attendance list?

It is not difficult at all to create an Excel attendance list, it just takes practice and effort; in a short time you will know how to do it very easily. That is why we offer you two ways to do it: in beginner and advanced mode, which will allow you to keep track of your company’s attendance.

Steps to follow if you are a beginner

  1. First, enter the Excel document on your computer. Then start by placing the header of your document in the first cell.
  2. In the second cell put the elements like; names, days, etc . By placing the corresponding names in the cells.
  3. Adjust the size of the cell by double-clicking on the letter in cell “B”.
  4. Then begin to put the number of days or names of these days in the following cells throughout.
  5. Now, once the previous step has been done, shade all your element and in the borders option you can give the format to all the cells and thus give them the style and table format , then you only have to adjust these cells to your liking.
  6. If you want to avoid extra work, you just have to adjust the first box of the cell number, shade the rest, click on “format” and “column width” and thus adjust them to your liking.
  7.  Once this is done, you just have to adjust and center the titles of your cells and your Excel list will be ready easily, where you will have a guaranteed control.

Steps to follow in advance

If you already have a basic knowledge of excel,  this step by step will be very easy. First open and save your Excel workbook. How? Go to the Files tab and click on “Save As” and select the folder where you want to save it; already done this we can start.

  1.  The first thing we will do is add a new sheet to our Excel table, on sheet 1 or the original we must change the name by double clicking it and entering “Database”, you will enter the previously created database of your staff and paste it there .
  2. Once this is done, you can create your attendance of the month on the next sheet , copy and paste your database in the second Excel sheet, since the columns will be added to prepare the attendance list.
  3. Let’s start by inserting the calendar. How? When entering a row at the top of the table, selecting row 1, right click the mouse button and click this time to “insert”. This will add a blank row.
  4. When you do this you will have to add all the days of the month from 1 to 30. Select all the columns and by double clicking inside the selection Excel will adjust it automatically.
  5. Shade it in and click on “format” of all borders. Now you can start putting the days in the second box and voila, you already have your Excel attendance list like a professional.

Why is it important to keep an attendance list?

Because by doing so you will simplify your extra work, which will allow you to have an adequate and real control. In addition, by saving these elements, you can have a completely reliable database .

Capable of daily monitoring of your staff. It is very useful and worth doing. We hope you have been very successful with this experience, we encourage you to leave us in the comments your story by creating your Excel attendance list; and don’t forget to share


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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