In Word we can create countless text documents that we can use on a daily basis and with a professional finish, for example; how to write a letter of recommendation with word step by step , books and more. In a few steps we will teach you the technique for a professional result like making a creative timeline in Word. You can not lose this!
How to Make a Creative TIMELINE in Word in Few Steps
Index( )
- How to make a timeline in Word?
- Page setup.
- Perform timeline.
- How to place images on the timeline.
How to make a timeline in Word?
Page setup.
- Within our new text document we must configure it as follows.
- We enter the “Format” tab and there inside click on “Configure page”.
- In the new tab that we open to configure we find tabs to do so, we will click on “Paper”and there modify “Paper size”in that option we must modify from Letter to Legal.
- We modified the “Height” of our page by 33cm and the size of the paper will be changed from Legal to “Personal size”.
- In the “Margins” tab and we modify sizes of “Top, Left, Bottom, Right”to 2 cm in all.
- And finally we modify its orientation to «Horizontal».
- In this way we have the page ready to start making the timeline.
Perform timeline.
- Select the “Insert”tab .
- Within this we find the next option, “Forms”and select the arrow to the right.
- We proceed to choose the color of the shape and then create it in the middle of our page.
- We return to “Shapes”and look for a rectangle, which within the arrow that we make we place small squares in another color so that it stands out.
- Inside we place a text to give life to our timeline, each rectangle will have a different name depending on the time we want to show in our line.
- We will play with colors to create differences between time. Between these rectangles on the timeline we must place thin elongated rectangles vertically.
- For this we must turn a new rectangle vertically and on it place the moment of the story line that will go between the middle of the arrow, but from the top with an indicative line.
- It is important to remove the color from these rectangles and leave them white so that only the text outside the timeline can be seen.
How to place images on the timeline.
- To place images within the timeline you must enter the «Insert»tab and go to «Images»where we select the image that we must attach, if there are several images, insert one image at a time.
- Click on “Layout Options”on the side of the inserted image and check the “Go in front of text” option.
- We can shrink the image so that it only occupies a section of the timeline from the “Crop”tool .
In this way we will form our creative timeline in Word, there are more options to create timelines within Word, for example with the «SmartArt» tool where you can create a variety of graphics, and let us use designs prepared for each need, in this case has a basic timeline that we can modify to our liking.
Word is a versatile and essential tool for students, teachers, professionals because it allows you to create documents in a few steps for very professional purposes, you can also make or create organization charts in Word which is of great support for the study and companies that want to improve their imprint . Although we can also create a timeline in Excel quickly and easily if required.
In PowerPoint style , it allows us to create text documents with several pages which, once finished, we can convert into a modifiable PDF file, in this way our work remains professional and editable to make any modification of text, image and add more content to it.