How to link text boxes in QuarkXPress

Quarkxpress, is a tool for the creation of digital content, in an efficient, professional and modern way, it has been developed specifically for publishers and seeks to support teamwork and adaptation with its system because it allows importing and exporting content in multiple formats even allowing real-size printing of projects.

The electronic company Quark has grown over time since in its beginnings it offered its products only for Apple, however in 1992 they began with Windows growing in greater proportion and taking over the market. Today it offers multiple solutions adaptable to each branch of the industry. Its operations are present in different countries, and you can easily visit its official website .

In each update it surprises and adapts to the needs of the user, seeking efficiency, this tool allows the user several ways to perform the same action, this being the case of the link or linking of text boxes, this action being able to be performed both in a automatic as manual.

The text boxes are those that allow the entry of the information that the respective model will contain , however the amount of text can represent a problem.

At this point is when you must make use of multiple text boxes, the ones necessary to contain the information that you want to enter and that they maintain continuity so that the text flows organically following an order, in this way it is not resorted to. to separate the same, then it could be treated as a unit.

It is advisable at this point to know details regarding the editing of the text in QuarkxPress and even learn how to fix the style configuration of the same since in this way if there were any inconvenience, knowing how to solve it would save time and effort.

How do you link or link QuarkxPress text boxes?

To activate automatic linking, you must first open a new project , then proceed to fill in the specifications, it is very important to remember that in this step the characteristics that the project will have are assigned, such as the type of layout, the characteristics of the page, the margins. It is important that you know all these details so that your project is faithful to the idea you want to develop.

Right in the box mentioned above, there is the option “automatic text box” this will be the option that is activated so that Quarkxpress understands that in this mockup it is necessary to create as many pages with text boxes as necessary to maintain the fluidity and continuity in the project, thus being able to present the information in a complete way and saving valuable time for the user.

Indicator that the process worked

An indicator that the previously applied process worked is to observe the upper left corners of the model, just at that point is the figure of a “chain”, if this “chain” is NOT broken it means that the text boxes are linked

If you want to learn how to manually link the text boxes, because at the end of entering the information you can still link the text boxes used in the following way, in the tools menu there is the option “linking”. proceed to select said option and then select the desired text box to be the main one, then select the next text box and so on, forming the desired continuity.

Additional link option

There is another option to activate the automatic linking without having to do it from the beginning, a text box is created, then the “linking” tool is selected, specifically the automatic text box linking located in the upper corner of the page and select the created text box.

This will allow all the pages based on the created mockup to have an automatic text box and the text to be automatically and fluidly distributed throughout the final work.

Linking or linking text boxes in Quarkxpress, as explained above, is not complicated and in the end, it is a really simple process and that depending on the project carried out or the user’s work dynamics presents several ways of application, it is only a matter to adapt the most efficient and that of results.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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