How to learn to draw well on my Android phone or Tablet?

It is undeniable the vertiginous advance that our smartphones as well as electronic devices are having . And this coupled with increasingly powerful applications, the result cannot be more than impressive.

This is why, in the following tutorial, we are going to teach you in a very simple way the steps you must follow to learn to draw well on my Android phone or Tablet, the best App .

This of course, if you are an art lover and have talent and creativity to draw, through these App you can do it at any time without the need for your PC . So prepare your canvas that is nothing more than your mobile phone or Android Tablet and discover how to learn to draw well, without complications of any kind using the best App.

If you are passionate about knowing what you can do with your mobile, we invite you to read what are the best tools to develop Android mobile applications. So let’s continue with our tutorial for you to learn how to learn to draw well on my Android Phone or Tablet

How to learn to draw well on my Android phone or tablet

Next we will show you a list with the best and most used App so that you can learn to draw well on my Android phone or Tablet. And we will start this list with one of the most downloaded and used by users from the Google virtual store . This is SketchBook is very complete, it has a large number of brushes that can be customized.

It also has many varied functions and tools such as, transformation, selection, text, figures, colors, in short, an excellent option for those who make works of art. Another recommended option is Adobe Illustrator Draw , this is a free application and allows you to make vector drawings.

Among its different functions we can highlight that it offers you up to 5 brushes, which you can customize their strokes and their effects. It also offers you that you can make drawings with different layers. The drawings can be saved in PSD format and another of its best virtues is that you can open the saved drawing files with programs like Photoshop.

Another of the App that will leave you with a good taste in your mouth is PaperDraw , it is basic and in its free version, because you can also buy the paid version. It offers us few functions but they are enough for us to express our artistic vein. Among these functions we can highlight that it offers us a layer and the use of 10 different brushes.

Recommended App to learn to draw well on my Android phone or Tablet

Another option that we can recommend because of how complete and powerful ArtFlow is, it also offers us a free version and in order to unlock the large number of functions, tools and brushes that it has, up to 90. We must purchase the paid version, however With the version that is free we will have up to three layers and 25 brushes, we believe that it is more than enough.

Now we will talk about an application that will allow you to use up to 80 brushes which you will be able to customize to your liking. It has a large number of powerful functions such as gradients, perspectives, layers, which will allow you to bring out the artist that is in you. You can only enjoy its free version for 7 days, then it will be blocked and you can have only some active functions.

We leave for the end an application that we think is very social, since it will allow you to share your drawing progress with a large community of users. And this App is none other than ibis Paint X , it is free, you just have to deal with advertising, it has many layers, filters, brushes. Other tools like frames, text, transformation, it’s great.

And we have even come up with this article that will show you that you can not only have a canvas so that you can exploit the artist in you. And so you could know which App you can use to  learn to draw well on my Android phone or Tablet, in a very easy way.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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