How to layout and assemble a photo book in Photoshop

In this article, we will guide you through the process of laying out and assembling a stunning photo book in Photoshop, ensuring that your special moments are beautifully presented for years to come.

Creating a photo book in Adobe Photoshop involves a series of steps that require careful planning and execution. Here’s a guide in tabular form to help you layout and assemble your photo book:

Step Description Details
1. Planning Decide the theme and structure of your book. Consider the story you want to tell, the number of pages, and the style of your photo book.
2. Selecting Photos Choose the photos you want to include. Make sure the photos are high quality and relevant to your theme.
3. Photoshop Setup Open Photoshop and set up your workspace. Create a new document with the desired dimensions and resolution for your photo book.
4. Layout Design Design the layout of your pages. Use guides and grids to help align your photos and text. Consider the placement of images and how they flow from one page to another.
5. Adding Photos Place your photos into the layout. Use the ‘Place Embedded’ or ‘Place Linked’ option to add photos to your document. Resize and position them as needed.
6. Editing Photos Edit your photos for consistency and style. Adjust the color, brightness, contrast, and other elements to ensure a cohesive look across all images.
7. Adding Text Insert text elements, if any. Use text tools to add captions, titles, or other textual elements. Choose fonts and sizes that complement your design.
8. Finalizing Layout Review and adjust the layout. Ensure there’s a good balance between text, photos, and white space. Check for consistency in margins and alignment.
9. Exporting Prepare your book for printing. Export your pages as high-quality PDFs or the format required by your printer.
10. Printing Print your photo book. Use a professional printing service for the best quality, or print it yourself if you have the means.

Remember, creating a photo book is a creative process, so feel free to adjust these steps according to your specific needs and preferences. Adobe Photoshop is a powerful tool that offers a lot of flexibility for this kind of project.

Create a new document

The intention is to create the sheets of the book in an optimal resolution , since it is going to be printed. The dimensions of the file will depend on your preferences or the printing options that you have at your disposal, that is to say that the ones we use are only for reference.

  • Open Photoshop on your PC
  • Click File / New or use the hotkeys Ctrl + N.
  • Enter a name.
  • Enter the dimensions of the file, keeping in mind that the end result is a printed document. Each measurement has 1cm difference for the margins of the sheet.
    • Set the Width value to 1729 px (61 cm).
    • Set the Height value to 879 px (31 cm).
  • Sets the transparent or white background color. It is not relevant as the images will be saved in JPEG format.
  • Choose the CMYK color mode .

Add guides

Places support guides in the document that are useful for visualizing the margins of the sheet and which is the center of the file. Margins are not shown in the final result.

  • Add a new one in the View / New Guide menu .
    • Place a guide in a vertical position of 30 cm (for the center guide).
    • Create a new one in a vertical position of 0.5 cm (to mark the left margin).
    • Add a 24 ” guide in a vertical position (represents the right margin)
    • It includes another 0.5 cm guide in a horizontal position (points to the upper margin).
    • Add another in a horizontal position of 30.5 (to mark the bottom margin).
    • Finally, it includes a horizontal guide of 15.5 (pointing to the middle of the document).

Upload photos and edit

Now the fun begins, choose the photos you want to place on this page. To save time they should already be organized within the folder.

This is a creative process that is left to your free will. Include all the components you consider necessary and structure the photos according to your tastes .

Consider margins and guidelines for adding items. If necessary, add more guidelines to help you accurately position items.

In the end, aesthetics and good taste must prevail. Remember that you are telling a story of probably a wedding or fifteen years, make it memorable .

Save the sheets

When you finish each sheet save the process in the folder you created at the beginning. Arrange the sheets in order so it’s easier to organize at print time.

  • Click File / Save As .
  • Name the photo taking into account the sequence. In this case it will be sheet1.
  • Choose the JPEG format .
  • Select the highest quality.
  • To start with a new sheet, delete the uploaded photos or hide the layers and upload the photos from the next one.

Photo book cover

The cover is left at the end of the photo album creation process , since you must be clear about the story it is telling. It is best if a single photo is the one that covers the two covers or uses a solid color.

The title is very important. Try to place a blank box under the title so that the letters are visible. The style will depend on whether you told a story in a fun or formal way.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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