How to know who put me in the Credit Bureau?

Many people consider it bad to be on the credit bureau list. The truth is that this list is neither good nor bad because you only add to it when you receive a loan. If you’ve wondered how to know who put me in the Credit Bureau? It’s possible? in this article you will find the answers.

How to know who put me in the Credit Bureau? Is it possible?

How to know who put me in the Credit Bureau? It’s possible?

The Credit Bureau consists of a specific firm that is dedicated to establishing the credit history of all clients who have managed a credit card in a banking or financial institution. The payment behavior will be reflected in a special report to determine if the customer has paid on time or not.

Next, we present relevant information about the Credit Bureau , its characteristics and importance and whether it is possible to be included by third parties to a Credit Bureau.

Credit bureau

The Credit Bureau is a private institution that does not depend on banks or other financial organizations and, has the objective of collecting and delivering credit information to affiliated companies based on the behavior of payments of people and companies due to their credits.

Operation of the Credit Bureau

The Credit Bureau works by processing and storing the information of users who have requested one more credit nationwide. Once the Credit Bureau collates all the data of a person , obtains information on all the credits that have been granted and issues a report.

Characteristics of the Credit Bureau

After obtaining a Credit Bureau , information is collected from users who have received credits and stored in a credit history. This information is provided only to affiliated financial companies so it is completely confidential.

In addition, it issues a report that shows the amount of credit that the taxpayer received, the debit balance, how it has paid, when it made the payments, the payment delays (if any), the amount of the last payment and the last date on the that he paid on time.

Importance of the Credit Bureau

The Credit Bureau facilitates decision-making in order to grant loans to individuals and companies. In addition, it allows banks and other granting instructions to evaluate which financial product or loans are appropriate to the applicant’s ability to pay to avoid the risks of defaults .

Can the Credit Bureau determine whether or not a loan will be granted?

No, the Credit Bureau only processes, stores and updates customer credit information. The lending companies are in charge of evaluating the profile of potential customers to refuse or grant credit.

How to know who put me in the Credit Bureau?

Do you know if you are in the credit bureau ? If you have ever requested a loan, then you will be in the Credit Bureau database . Therefore, it is an immediate consequence of one of your requests. No one else can put you in the Credit Bureau without your consent because no person or institution is authorized to do this.

It is important to note that being on the list of the Credit Bureau does not mean that it is something negative or positive. Simply, you will have a credit history that will collect your payment behavior regarding the credit you have requested.

How can I consult the Credit Bureau?

To know your profile in the Credit Bureau you must access the burodecredito website . There, you will find a Special Credit Report that you can review for free once every year. Only you can view your credit history and the credit companies affiliated with the Credit Bureau only when you decide to apply for a new loan. If the profile contains doubtful information that does not match your real status, you can make claims to the credit bureau .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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