How to know if two fractions are equivalent

Do you want to know if two fractions are equivalent even though they are made up of different numbers? We show you how to find out

Here we show you how to know if two fractions are equivalent , a recurring question among many students who want to know the method to find out if two fractions are equivalent to each other even though they are made up of different numbers . Luckily there are several ways to perform this mathematical check and find out if one fraction is equivalent to another. If so, you can place an equals symbol between them and solve these types of mathematical puzzles . Don’t miss the best methods to find out if two fractions are equivalent to each other.

How to know if two fractions are equivalent

Index of contents

  • How to know if two fractions are equivalent
  • Alternative solution

How to know if two fractions are equivalent

Find out if two fractions are equivalent to each other through the following steps:

If you wonder if two fractions with different numerators and denominators are equivalent or not, you can find out through the following mathematical methods.

To do this, you can make a simple check, which is none other than cross-multiplying their numerators and denominators . Thus, multiply the numbers of one by the denominator of another and vice versa. If the result of both multiplications is the same , it means that both fractions are equivalent. On the other hand, if the result of the two multiplications is different, those two fractions are not equivalent; as simple as that.

In the following example, the operation to be performed is as follows:

·                                 2 x 9

·                                 6 x 3

If you want to know if these two fractions are equivalent, calculate the result :

·                                 2 x 9 = 18

·                                 6 x 3 = 18

As both multiplications show, the result of both is the same ( 18 ), so these two fractions are equivalent .

Alternative solution

In addition to the previous solution, there is another mathematical method to know if two fractions are equivalent or not. This other method consists of dividing the numerator of each fraction by its denominator and comparing the result of both fractions. If the result is the same, they are equivalent fractions; in the event that the result is different, both fractions are not equivalent.

We can check this other method with the previous fractions:

·                                 2: 6 = 0’333333 …

·                                 3: 9 = 0’333333 …

Since the result is the same in both operations, we conclude that both fractions are equivalent .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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