How to know if my Email Account has been Hacked?

Security and privacy in email accounts are of vital importance. Developers and users take this key aspect very seriously. Millions of users demand that security be a priority in their accounts . Here we will teach you how to know if your email accounts have been hacked.

Ways to know if your email accounts have been hacked

There are several ways to tell if your email account has been hacked. These tools offer a useful and free service when you suspect a breach of your security . The web pages in charge of verifying your account, make a “scan” in the Deep web. Below, we list in detail the most effective and frequented.

Have I Been Pwned

On this web page you must enter your phone or email for verification. It has a large database to verify if your account has been intervened. With a data filter you will know if you have been hacked, this includes passwords. You can get a record and set it to alert you.

Breach Alarm 

Breach Alarm has a database of more than 800 million email addresses. Analyze and detect if your account is targeted by hackers or if it has been negotiated. Enter your email address in the search box and the search will begin. Here, in general, you must complete an image captcha.

Hasso Plattner Institute 

This platform detects if your email, phone number and date of birth have been compromised. Usually, when this is the case, they are posted on the internet to be used illegally. Enter your email and click “verify email address”. Its database has more than 12,000,000,000 accounts.

With these simple steps you will be able to recognize if your email accounts have been hacked. In addition, it is necessary to keep your computers protected with antivirus It is also advisable to change passwords regularly .