How to install your Google Chrome browser in Kali Linux – Know the whole process

The most recognized computer systems are Windows and Mac, but Linux also has a certain degree of popularity . The Linux operating system has programs that are not available for computers with systems like Windows or Mac and this is what makes the system still in the game or the competition.

How to Install Your Google Chrome Browser in Kali Linux – Know the Whole Process

However, some Linux users who are starting out in the computer processing industry have drawn their attention to a program called ‘Kali Linux’, thanks to the computer security check that it offers. If you are one of those Linux users who wants to download Google Chrome on their Kali Linux, you should not leave this website. Next we will show you how to download this program in Google Chrome and also what is the best way to install it.

Index( )

  1. How to prepare the computer for the download and installation of Google Chrome?
    1. Is Kali up to date?
    2. Download the Google Chrome package
  2. Where should you download Google Chrome for your Kali Linux device?
  3. What steps to follow to fully install Google Chrome on your device?

How to prepare the computer for the download and installation of Google Chrome?

It is true that Linux offers good programs and some unique features, but you have to be honest when talking about your default browsers . None of the system’s default browsers are useful or helpful. That is why it is important that you download Google Chrome to set it as the default browser.

Now, shortly you will see what are the things you need to install Google Chrome on your Kali Linux and how to start the preparations to download it. By the way, it should be noted that there is a way to download Kali Linux in a Virtual Box .

Is Kali up to date?

In order to download Google Chrome on Kali Linux on your computer, it has to be updated to its latest version if possible. If it is not updated to its latest version, you will have to find a way to update Kali Linux. But in case the latest version of the program is not compatible with your Linux version, then you can try to install Google Chrome like this.

Download the Google Chrome package

After having made sure that you have the latest version of Kali Linux, you will have to download the installation package for Google Chrome from the official Chrome page. In some places, you may find an Offline installation package of the browser and you need to know in advance that in most cases it is not recommended to download this kind of installation package.

Why do we say it? We say this because every time a new version of Google Chrome is released, the EXE of the installation package is changed. So, if you download an Offline installation package of the browser, you will have an old version. It is always best to go to the most current and download the installation package Online . It should be noted that if you have a computer with enough disk space, you can install Linux and Windows 10 at the same time .

Where should you download Google Chrome for your Kali Linux device?

The best site to download Google Chrome is the official Google page, because from that site you will always find the most recent versions of the browser. Also, if you download the installation package from a site that is not the official Google Chrome site, you would run security risks and also risk downloading the file with a virus or something similar.

What steps to follow to fully install Google Chrome on your device?

Once you have the browser installation package, all you have to do is execute the different processes to carry out the installation of the program on your device with the Linux operating system. First things first, you have to look for the folder in which the program has been downloaded in order to run it.

Second, when you find it, press it to execute it. Third, click ‘OK’ on all the boxes that appear to start downloading it. When the browser download starts, you will need to be connected to the internet and wait for the download percentage to fill the blue bar completely.

When the download is finished, the browser will install itself and you will not have to modify anything at all. Lastly, open the Google Chrome and start using it. You need to know that in order to install Google Chrome on Linux you have to have version 14.04 of Ubuntu 64-bit edition, or else Linux Fedora 24.

It should be noted that with the Google Chrome browser, you can change the background that it has and place a photo of yourself or a fill color.