How to install or uninstall WordPad in Windows 10?

In most cases, removing or uninstalling a program doesn’t require much work. Just go to the control panel and from there look for the program you want to remove from the list and follow the steps indicated by the uninstall wizard.

However, there are times when this is not possible and an alternative process is required. Luckily, today you will know the steps to follow to uninstall WordPad once and for all.

Index( )

  1. What versions of Windows allow you to install or uninstall WordPad?
  2. What are the benefits of not uninstalling WordPad to install another text editor?
    1. The space it occupies on the PC
    2. It is free access
  3. What are the steps to uninstall or install WordPad?
    1. Inside Windows 8 and 10
    2. For older versions of Windows
    3. On MAC computers
  4. How to prevent documents from opening in WordPad?

What versions of Windows allow you to install or uninstall WordPad?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to uninstall this program from the list of installed software on a computer that has a version prior to Windows 10. Therefore, it is necessary for the user to run 18963 to uninstall WordPad or, failing that, have Windows 10 installed. . Otherwise, you will not be able to do this process no matter how hard you try.

What are the benefits of not uninstalling WordPad to install another text editor?

Whether you want to uninstall this program or remove ESET NOD32 Antivirus from Windows , this brings with it a series of benefits that we will mention shortly. Keep in mind that before proceeding with the elimination of a program, have a backup or verify if said program is not essential for the operation of the operating system.

The space it occupies on the PC

Every program that is installed on the computer or device is taking up some storage space. Being a program that generates cache, temporary files and new files, the weight will increase as the user uses it.

As it is a program with little use, this does not happen to such a large extent, but it does take up space that can be used to install a new program or occupy it with files that are important to you. In fact, this is the main advantage when uninstalling any program, this includes uninstalling WPS Office from Windows 10 .

It is free access

By free access we mean that you do not have to pay any fee or amount to uninstall a program from your computer. If so, Windows would not possibly be the most used operating system in the world.

They just need to implement any of the available options to remove a program and that’s it. In fact, this does not require more than 5 minutes and the process can be done even when the user does not have any computer knowledge. This is thanks to the fact that the operating system itself “takes you by the hand” when doing a task like this.

What are the steps to uninstall or install WordPad?

Now is the time to learn the steps and ways you have to be able to remove this and any other program you want. Keep in mind that there is the possibility of not being able to remove a certain program as it is native or essential for your computer.

Inside Windows 8 and 10

In both Windows 8 and the latest version, the process is the same. For the most basic, you can go to the control panel and in the uninstall a program section , you’re going to click there. This will cause a new window to open where you will see all the programs that are currently installed.

Just search for the program in alphabetical order and after you have located it, select it once. This will bring up a tab at the top that will allow you to remove the program. When you click on that button or tab, just follow the steps and you’re good to go.

For older versions of Windows

The reality is that for slightly older versions of Windows there is not much difference. The process remains the same. The only thing that will vary is the format of the graphical interface. For the rest, the process is the same, of course, in this case, it will be impossible or very difficult, since they are old versions of Windows 10.

Something you can try is accessing Windows in safe mode. This way you can try to remove the program safely and without generating any errors. In fact, you can do the same thing if you want to uninstall Internet Explorer and install a new browser.

On MAC computers

In the case of Mac, the process may seem easier to you since you have two options: uninstall programs with the Launchpad or with the Finder. Either way, you have to do the following:

  • Open Finder and then select Applications
  • With the +click command you will select the application you want to delete
  • Then pressing CTRL plus clicking will move the app to the trash.

How to prevent documents from opening in WordPad?

The only thing you should do is avoid running the file manually, either by keyboard commands or with your computer’s mouse. The other way you have to avoid this is to select said file with right click and select the Open With… Here you will be shown the options that are available or compatible with the file. Choose the one that suits your preferences and that’s it.