How to improve the GPS signal and accuracy on my Android and iOS mobile phone?

Learn how to improve the GPS signal and accuracy on your Android and iOS mobile phone with these simple and effective tips. If you are a person who travels through places you do not know very well on a daily basis, you will need to update your GPS. For this, it is very important to know how to improve the GPS signal and accuracy on my Android and iOS mobile phone, something that we will see in detail a little below.

You should know that improving the signal and the accuracy of your location is very useful not only for your GPS to work successfully, but also to improve your experience with different applications to obtain a more personalized service. Although you can also choose if you want to keep it active or deactivate it .

How my GPS works

The GPS or Global Positioning System is a technology that allows you to know the precise location of different objects. They work via satellite , so you can locate yourself if you are in a place with no signal or you no longer have internet access, although it is not usually very accurate.

In turn, if you want an alternative to basic GPS, you can set the Waze application as the default GPS , but for this it is recommended to improve the accuracy of your GPS.

How to Improve the GPS Signal and Accuracy on My Android and iOS Mobile Phone

Here is a list of tips and tricks that you should keep in mind if you want to improve the accuracy of your GPS, whether you have an Android device.

Make sure you have a good signal : As we mentioned earlier, the location of your mobile works by satellite, and although it is true that they work, even if you do not have internet access, the accuracy is not the best.

Internet speed depends on the mobile data you have available. And these depend on the availability of networks in areas with little or a lot of coverage. If you are in a place where your signal does not work very well, you can change to 4G, 3G, 2G, etc. This way you can access with more speed.

Connect to a Wi-Fi network : Applications that require your geographical location can connect to a Wi-Fi network, as long as you are not moving from one place to another.

Always keep your location updated : It is important that you configure the time zone and the country in which you are well, as your GPS uses this data to locate different places.

Delete your GPS data: To make it work faster you can delete your GPS data that you had previously. In this way, some sites that were saved will be deleted, preventing them from loading again when you want to access a new site.

Download GPS Total Run on your Android to be able to reset your browser data. Once you get it, enter the app and go to its settings. Click on Reset A-GPS Data> Get a-GPS Data.

With this you will achieve greater stability and positioning. You may also need to restart your mobile. In turn, it is recommended that you update the GPS or navigator to the latest version .

How to improve the signal and accuracy of my GPS in Android iOS fast and easy

Next, we leave you a list of tips and tricks that you should keep in mind if you want to improve the accuracy of your GPS, whether you have an iOS device.

Calibrate your compass : To be able to calibrate the compass of an iPhone device, enter the App Store and download GPS Essentials. After having installed it, enter it and from the menu at the top of the screen, go to Compass> Calibrate .

Reset your GPS data : For this you must download GPS Status & Toolbox from the Apple Store . With it, you can prevent your GPS from blocking when passing through satellite areas and losing signal.

Once you have it installed on your mobile, go to Tools> Manage A-GPS status> Restart system .

Improve the accuracy of your location : If you have problems establishing the location on your iPhone or simply want to improve its accuracy, you can download GPS Fix. With it you will improve the precision of where you are in real time. After you have it installed, open the app and select Start Fixing.

By doing the above, you will be able to put GPS coordinates in Google Maps with great ease and many other very useful actions.

Improving the GPS signal and accuracy on your mobile phone involves several steps you can take to ensure you’re getting the best possible location data.

These steps can vary slightly between Android and iOS devices due to differences in their operating systems and settings. Here’s a comparison in tabular format to help you enhance GPS signal and accuracy on both Android and iOS devices:

Strategy Android iOS
Update Your Device Ensure your device’s operating system is up to date by checking for software updates in Settings. Go to Settings > General > Software Update to download and install any available updates.
Enable High Accuracy Mode Go to Settings > Location > Mode and select “High accuracy” to use GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile networks. Not directly applicable, as iOS automatically manages location accuracy without a similar setting.
Improve Signal Visibility Keep your device out of pockets and away from large objects or vehicles when using GPS. Similarly, ensure clear visibility to the sky and avoid obstructions for better signal reception.
Turn Off Battery Saving Mode Disable any power saving modes via Settings as these can limit GPS functionality. Go to Settings > Battery and turn off Low Power Mode, as it can restrict background location services.
Refresh Your Location Services Turn off location services in Settings > Location, then turn them back on to reset your GPS signal. Navigate to Settings > Privacy > Location Services, turn them off and on again to refresh the signal.
Calibrate Compass (if applicable) Open a compass app and move your phone in a figure-8 motion to calibrate the compass sensor. Use the Compass app and follow on-screen instructions to recalibrate, if necessary.
Check for External Factors Be aware of weather conditions, tall buildings, and underground locations affecting signal. Same as Android; environmental factors can impact GPS accuracy.
Restart Your Device A simple restart can sometimes resolve signal issues by refreshing your phone’s connections. Same strategy applies; reboot your device to potentially improve GPS signal.
Update Maps and Navigation Apps Make sure apps like Google Maps are updated to the latest version. Regularly update your navigation apps through the App Store for improved performance.
Clear Cache for Maps Apps Go to Settings > Apps, find your map app, and clear its cache/data. For iOS, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the app to clear its cache effectively.

These strategies can help improve your GPS signal and accuracy on both Android and iOS devices. While some measures are platform-specific, many are universally applicable and can significantly enhance your location-based services experience.

In conclusion, improving GPS signal and accuracy on your mobile phone is possible with the right strategies and solutions in place. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can enhance your GPS performance and enjoy accurate location information on your device. Don’t let weak or inaccurate GPS signals hold you back – take control of your GPS experience today!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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