How to improve child’s math skills;10 Corrections.Parental expectations and performance in mathematics.Do you recognize one or more of the following attitudes which parents often adopt infront of Math Teacher For Child.
- • I could not (did not want to) do mathematics and I know the problems one faces without mathematics, therefore my child must take maths.
- • I do not care what others say, my child will take mathematics.
- • A boy cannot do anything without mathematics.
- • It is not very important that my daughter should take mathematics.
- • My poor child works himself to a standstill but he still does not do well in mathematics.
- • My child has the worst mathematics teacher in town.
- • The teacher never even looks at my child’s homework books:
- • My child should be able to work on his own in mathematics, otherwise he will not be able to work without help when he is at university, I am not going to rob him of his ability to work on his own.
- • It is a fact that a child can either do mathematics or cannot, there is nothing to be done about it – my child takes after me, I could never do mathematics either.
- • Mathematics is not something you can learn – you either understand it or you do not.
- • My child can do whatever pleases him – if he does not want to take the subject, it is his problem.
And so I can continue. The fact of the matter is that each of these statements, like all good propaganda, contains a germ of truth. But this does not make them true or reliable!
How to improve child’s math skills;10 Corrections
Let to deal with a few of the most popular misconceptions concerning achievement in mathematics.
I. “My child has to learn to work on his own, otherwise he will not pass at university in any case. Moreover, the children’s homework is my wife’s department.” Correction
Correction As the father, you play an important role in the mathematical development of your son or daughter. And I do not mean incidental or chance interest, now and then, but sustained attention and interest throughout the child’s school career and further studies.
Research shows time and again that boys achieve better results in mathematics when their fathers share this interest with them. Children do not learn spontaneously -they must be taught to learn, to be industrious.
2. “I did not take advantage of my opportunities in mathematics and today I regret it; my child will take the subject and perform well” or, on the contrary, “My child takes after me. I could never do mathematics either – how can I expect him to take mathematics?”
Correction There is no reason why a child should do well if his parents did not perform well in mathematics. Nor is there any reason whatsoever why a child should not perform well if his parents did not do well in the subject.
3. “Without mathematics a child cannot do anything.’
Correction There are many careers a child can follow without passing matriculation mathematics – ask any vocational guidance counselor.
7. “You either have it or you do not – self-confidence has nothing to do with performance in mathematics.” Correction External factors such as motivation and your child’s emo-tional condition, his attitude towards school work and authority., his self-image and his self-confidence can have a seriously adverse effect on his performance if something is wrong there.
8. “Girls are just weaker at mathematics than boys.
” Correction There is no reason why girls should necessarily perform less well than boys in mathematics.
9. “The teacher is paid to teach my child mathematics – if the child does not do well, the fault lies with him.” “The whole class does very poorly in mathematics at any rate – the problem lies exclusively with the teacher.”
Correction It is certainly not the sole responsibility of the child’s teacher to lead him to success in mathematics. Please remember at all times that one can always. kind pupils who do perform mg! in your child’s class he may be under-achieving/doing poorly in mathematics) despite possibly serious shortcomings in the instruction.
10.I hated mathematics, I am unhappy in my work and I often tell my child – that will teach him to follow a different career.”
Correction Your attitude towards work in general and mathematics in particular will probably rub off on your child – sufficient reason for you to speak of these matters in his presence in a balanced way.