How to Hide All Suggested Instagram Posts

Instagram recently announced that it would be reversing two of its most controversial recent changes : the “TikTok-esque” scrolling feed and the number of recommendations that appear At this second point, you as a user can take the initiative and make all publication recommendations disappear for a month , as The Verge points out .

Recommended Instagram posts come from accounts you don’t follow and may or may not interest you. If you prefer to see only your friends’ posts, then you have two options: switch to Favorites or Following mode by tapping on the app logo, or hide suggestions for a period of 30 days.

Two options to hide recommendations

Let’s say you use Instagram just to see what your friends and family are up to. Still, from time to time Instagram inserts recommended posts into your feed (or News), in theory related to an account you follow. There are those who prefer that this not be the case, and fortunately there are two possible solutions .

24 Instagram tricks to get the most out of it

The first of these came a few months ago when Instagram announced two additional modes for its feed: Following mode and Favorites mode . The first shows you only posts from accounts you follow, and in chronological order. The second, only from those accounts that you have marked as favorites, distinguished with a star.

In principle, related publications do not appear in these two modes, although ads will continue to appear , something that is not possible to get rid of in any way. It’s not a perfect solution, but at least it’s a way to view posts in chronological order. Here are the simple steps:

  • Tap on the Instagram logo
  • Choose Following

There is another mode that is even more curious and that affects the main page of Instagram, without having to change the mode. When you see a suggested post, which can usually be clearly distinguished by having a header that says so, you have the option to pause it for 30 days .

To do so, you’ll first need to hide that suggested post by tapping the X icon above it. In the menu that appears, tap Pause all suggested posts in the feed for 30 days . As its name indicates, they will not go away forever, but we will have to repeat the process a month later. These are the steps:

  • In a suggested post, tap the X button
  • Tap Pause all suggested posts in the feed for 30 days
  • Repeat the process, if you want, 30 days later