How to hide a column or row in Excel from any device

The revolution of technological devices has resulted in the massive development of multiple alternatives in devices that are capable of eliminating the complicated and tedious tasks that previously had to be done manually and could mean quite a complicated investment of time.

How to Hide a Column or a Row in Excel From Any Device

One of the greatest impacts in the field of software, which revolutionized the way in which we obtain the account of different processes at an economic level, is the well-known Microsoft Excel. This software is responsible for providing all the formulas and calculations in a spreadsheet-like interface, divided into columns, rows, and cells. To get it, you must firstcreate an account in Microsoft Office.

In addition, knowing the basics of this software will allow us to perform an incredible number of calculations and take advantage of all the functions, which can save our investments more than once in a lifetime, as well as speed up our work .

Therefore, do not miss this article where we will describe one of the most important and simple aspects of the spreadsheet in Excel , which is the way in which the cells are divided, and how the rows and columns can be hidden from convenience.

Index( )

  1. What is the difference between a row and a column in Excel?
  2. Here are the steps to hide the columns or rows in Excel
    1. From windows
    2. Using macOS
    3. In the web version
  3. How can you show hidden columns again?
  4. Where can I request more help if required?

What is the difference between a row and a column in Excel?

First we must understand that the cells are the units by which we will move through the spreadsheet , these are shapes that come by default as rectangles that are adjacent to each other and in which we can enter the formulas, data or texts that we need.

In order to identify each one and carry out calculations in a simple way, they are divided by columns and rows, where the columns are vertical groups of cells that will be represented by letters in alphabetical order. In the columns you canperform operations such as subtraction quickly.

On the other hand, the rows will be horizontal groups of cells represented by numbers, so each cell will be represented by a letter and a number, such as A1 or C23.

Here are the steps to hide the columns or rows in Excel

Once we have understood how the columns and rows work in Excel, we must take into account that this program is usually used to work with an incredible amount of data each , so many times it will be necessary to limit the information to just the headers. What interests us for the analysis?

This is achieved through the Hide function , which allows us to remove columns or rows from our view without deleting them as such and we can apply it in the following way, depending on the operating system and device we are using:


To access this function in Windows we only have to access our Excel, in which we will have 2 options. The first option is to keep the shift key pressed while we left click with the mouse on the letters or numbers of the columns or rows that we want to hide, then we right click, look for the hide option, click and that’s it .

using macOS

In the case of MacOS andits latest updates, we will not have Excel, but a variant called Numbers, the process would be basically the same as that applied in Excel, selecting the headers of the columns or rows that we want to hide, right-clicking and then We look for the hide option.

In the web version

If we want to do it from our browser, Google provides us with its Google Docs alternative, in which we can open a spreadsheet where we will follow the same procedure previously mentioned , in which we select the columns or rows, right click and look for the hide option.

How can you show hidden columns again?

If you hid the rows or columns of an excel file, no problem, the data is not deleted, you just have to show them again. To redisplay the columns or rows that we have hidden, we just have to place the cursor where the slot that indicates the hidden column or row is located and we will proceed to right-click, and then select the option to show.

This option is important to remember when we open previous files that others could manipulate , since important data can be hidden that generates errors in formulas or graphs, so if this happens to you, check that you do not have anything hidden in that selection.

Where can I request more help if required?

If at any point during the steps explained you had a problem hiding or showing the cells again, don’t worry. Since all the information to solve problems related to Excel is usually abundant, and if you need another option you can access Microsoft support .

You will be able to follow the steps and recommendations of the creators on Excel and all the other tools that the Microsoft Office package offers.