How to get wood in Genshin Impact.

Update 1.5 has finally been released for Genshin Impact and it is an exciting update for many reasons. Not only is Zhongli back on the character banner with the new 4-star Pyro character, Yanfei, but the game is also receiving accommodation for players with the introduction of the Serenitea Jar. With the new update, players will be able to farm materials to create new furniture for their small personal space in Teyvat. Here’s how to get wood in Genshin Impact .

Obtaining wood at Genshin Impact

If you are new to Genshin Impact’s new living items, you will quickly discover that many of the furniture in the game require wood as a crafting material. However, it is not as easy as cutting down trees for wood, as each region of Teyvat is home to different types of trees, all of which in turn provide you with different types of wood.

Below are all the different types of wood that you can get in-game at the time of this writing, along with the region they’re in:

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Paste Location
Birch Mondstadt, Liyue
Cuihua Mondstadt, Liyue
Fir tree Mondstadt, Liyue
Pine tree Dragonspine
Cedar Mondstadt
Sand carrier Liyue
Bamboo segments Liyue

To get some wood all you have to do is go to the affected area, approach a tree and start hitting it with a sword, claymore or weapon. Armed. Hit it enough times and up to three pieces of wood will drop and be automatically added to your inventory.

You will need a lot of wood to make the furniture at Genshin Impact, but the good news is that the trees will get cold every day, making it easier to grow them on a daily basis.

This is all you need to know how to get wood in Genshin Impact . Be sure to check out our wiki guide for more tips and information on games.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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